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  • in reply to: Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error.. #3247



    I don’t see the message, but you mention Windows XP. That’s a very dead operating system I’m afraid. It’s not supported by Microsoft, not even with security patches and it’s not supported by AxCrypt.

    That being said, AxCrypt 2 can be run on a properly updated XP. The most likely cause of your problem is a lack windows installer updated and .NET Framework 4.5.


    Yes, Robert – I refer to how mail systems generally object to anything that could contain an executable, which includes zip-files in general and encrypted ones too! It’s really not easy to send executables via e-mail. Sometimes you can change the extension (I usually add .removeme), but sometimes the filters just look at the content.

    It is convenient when it works, but….


    in reply to: "No internet access" #3205


    Hello Angel,

    Thank you for the report. It seems that AxCrypt does have problems with proxys that require login.

    Do you actually expect to login to your proxy, or do you have the credentials normally stored so for example if you browse via Internet Explorer you do not need to enter the credentials all the time?

    I ask because the more info I get about the setup, the better a chance I have to fix this. I’ll be updating it later today, or tomorrow in an attempt to fix this.



    The reason (well, one reason) that the self-decrypter will not be continued is because it so seldom actually works sending as an attachement. Also, we now have a fully-featured stand-alone version which does not require installation that can be pointed out in a link in the e-mail.




    I’m not quite sure, but what comes to mind is if you have permissions for the folder where it resides and where it tries to decrypt to. The self-decrypter is more or less obsolete, so you should probably not depend on it too much.

    Looking at the source code, it appears that the issue arises when trying to set the file times to the original values. When you decrypt the file on the USB-stick, does it get a strange value (like several 100 years ago or in the future)?

    This happens *after* the file has been completely written, so I’m really little at a loss here without debugging and digging deep into this. Which, to be honest, I won’t be doing since as mentioned this is pretty much obsolete – and you can get at the data.



    in reply to: Switch to AES-128 #3199



    I’m afraid there is no option to ‘downgrade’ from AES-256 to AES-128. Actually, the performance is likely to be determined by data transfer speeds to and from disk rather than encryption speed.

    Not that I don’t trust AxCrypt, but always ensure you have proper backups of all data – especially when we’re talking terabytes. The more you have, the more you stand to lose…

    The idea with the ‘Advanced’ menu option is that normally you’d be ok with working from the context menu, so the ‘Advanced’ does indeed just open up the AxCrypt GUI – that’s way more advanced than the context menu operations though. That’s why we named it like that anyway.


    in reply to: Unable to save files in AxCrypt 2.1 #3198


    Hello Duncan,

    For this issue, let’s switch to e-mail. Over & Out here.


    Hello Calisson!

    Glad to hear that it’s working out for you, that’s the main thing!


    in reply to: Is access to your website mandatory? #3191


    I hear you… It’s on the agenda. So much to do, and so little time!

    in reply to: Is access to your website mandatory? #3189



    Thank you for asking!

    Right now, web server access is mandatory the *first* time you install AxCrypt on a PC. Thereafter there is no need for Internet access, although we’ll use it if available to perform update checks and similar.

    We’ll be adding some form of ‘escrow’ mode very soon for the specific scenario you describe. For now, you can always be assured by the fact that the full source code is available so if we should suddenly and unexpectedly fold, the source code is available via mechanisms that have no connection to us.

    There is nothing really vital on the server as far as AxCrypt file encryption is concerned. We do create and backup key pairs there, but they are for convenience – it’s not required for file decryption. In the end, all that’s needed is AxCrypt and to know the password used when the most recent encryption occurred .

    in reply to: Recurse folders? #3187



    With AxCrypt 2, this is not the way to go ;-)

    Here’s how you should do it (let’s forget the recursive issue for now):

    Place the files in three different folders “All”, “Restricted” and “Executive”.

    Set these up as secured folders in AxCrypt 2. Then for each of the folders, add each user e-mail that should have access under the “Key Sharing” option.

    Each user will then have access to all the files he or she should, and with their own password.



    in reply to: windows 10 update #3185



    This is very unlikely to have anything to do with Windows 10! It’s more likely that you have accidentally done something causing this. It happens. It has nothing to do with AxCrypt either probably.

    Please upload a screen shot of the situation so we can tell just what’s gone wrong.


    in reply to: Unable to save files in AxCrypt 2.1 #3183



    This is indeed troublesome. We’ve done some further changes to the latest version, both functionally but also to improve diagnostics.

    Can you please do the following, after the next time you receive the error message?

    – Enable the Debug menu by selecting File | Options | Debug
    – Open an error log by selecting Debug | Open Error Report Snapshot

    Follow the instructions there to copy all text and email it to support at axcrypt dot net . This will help us determine the exact cause.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #3181



    I’m sorry you don’t like the new version, but I’ll just hope that you’ll give it a longer try. It’s different, but it’s really convenient!

    If you still don’t like it, just stay with the old. It’s freely available and will be so for the forseeable future.


    in reply to: Recurse folders? #3179


    Hello Greg,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Not sure about your multiple people scenario, it sounds like the ‘secured folder’ feature should do the trick for you (except for the recursion thing right now of course). Are there other annoyances here as well?

    We’ll probably be adding some feature for recursion, but we’re still considering various ways of doing so without risking users doing more than they expected. We’ve had cases for example where a user will try to encrypt recursivey everything from C:\ , and similar.

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