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  • in reply to: Multiple file selection #3531


    Hello Peter!

    The problem here is that the ‘open padlock icon’ in the AxCrypt window toolbar is to ‘open’ files, i.e. it’s equivalent to double-click in Windows Explorer. This means, decrypt to temporary location, start appropriate app, wait for finish and then re-encrypt’. Just like you can’t double-click a multiple file selection in Windows Explorer, because it doesn’t make good sense, you can’t use multiple-file selection here either.

    The droid you’re looking for can be found under the ‘File | Stop Securing’ menu choice. There you can select many files for decryption in one operation.

    I hope this helps.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Svante.
    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #3530


    Hello md!

    Thanks for the valuable feeback!

    I think perhaps you missed the fact we have a fully featured portable version that you can include with your archive files. This is much better than the very limited ‘AxDecrypt’ which the self-decrypting files used. No installation required, it’s essentially the same thing. We might bring the ‘self-decrypting’ feature back with the portable version as the base, or something similar, although I really don’t think it’s the best solution. Still, in this case, it doesn’t really hurt either.

    AxCrypt 2 is still “just” password based encryption, there is no required tie to the e-mail adress, it’s there for sharing purposes and for the purpose of making a change of password simple. But you can *always* decrypt the file with the password used when it was originally encrypted.

    We’ll be making it possible to use AxCrypt fully stand-alone without any connection to our servers as well, so that will not be an issue soon. I do understand the concern here for long-term archival purposes, so we’ll be addressing that.



    Hello Peter,

    Wow… To be honest, I think you might want to make your life easier by examining your situation from a security analysis point of view. I think you can at least skip the zipx step, without sacrificing any security at all. Also, if I were you, I’d settle on a really good, long and strong password that you can remember and use that and skip the keyfiles step. You might for example want to use two concatenated passwords from our password generator for a really ludicrous level of strength. .

    Using full disk/container encryption in combination with file encryption is something I do recommend, not quite for the multiple-level of encryption reason, but for other reasons. Specifically, I advocate full disk encryption such as BitLocker for local PC security, and file encryption for off-device storage  – which for practical reasons means that you keep files file encrypted on your full disk encrypted hard disk.

    Anyway, if you install 2.1 it’ll upgrade the 1.7. If you want to have them both, don’t install 2.1, just download the portable install-free version. The shell integration will be with 1.7 then, but you can use the 2.1 user window for all features.


    in reply to: AxCrypt have not freeware software anymore? #3522


    Hello John,

    No problem, no shame ;-) If I understand your scenario it should work for you with a single Premium account, it might be slightly cumbersome when creating new files to share, but it should work.

    For key sharing, the idea is that the person doing the sharing needs Premium, but persons being shared with do not.

    If you wish to try it out fully, register a new AxCrypt ID account under a different account, and then via the Premium Support function (which you of course have since you have a the trial) let us know that you’d like to disable Premium and we can help you with that. We can’t do it back and forward a lot of times, but if you’d like to prematurely expire Premium for a single account for testing purposes, of course we’ll help you with that!

    in reply to: AxCrypt have not freeware software anymore? #3520


    Hello John,

    Sorry, didn’t think of that one… We don’t have that option! Hmm… I know some softwares have a ‘pause’ evaluation feature. Maybe we should add something like that? The thing is, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, is that we’re really sensitive to options. We think they often tend to cause more problems than they solve. I do see your point here.

    Not really sure here what the best course of action would be. Perhaps a transient option, i.e. an option you can toggle in a session, but it’s reset to default as soon as you sign out. The thing is, if I just add a ‘Pause’ or ‘Run as Free’ permanent option, I’m fairly sure we’ll be drowned in support requests “Why don’t I have Premium…”.


    in reply to: secured folders #3518


    Hello Marco,

    Once the actual encrypted files are shared via a shared folder for example, you use the ‘Key Sharing’ function to enable the others to open the files. You can set ‘Key Sharing’ either on a Secured Folder, or on a specific file.

    The ‘Key Sharing’ function is found by right-clicking the file or folder in the AxCrypt 2 Recent Files or Secured Folders window.


    Sorry about that Peter – we’ll be adding a “Convert all files” type of feature in the near future to facilitate this process.

    In the meantime, there’s unfortunately also another issue. When you select files to convert/decrypt, do so from the AxCrypt 2 window, not from Windows Explorer. Will also be fixed very, very soon…

    Or, just wait for the next release. It should be available next week, where at least some of these things are addressed.

    To be honest, while I’m very happy in general with how AxCrypt 2 works and it’s stability, I am not happy with the re-onboarding process for existing AxCrypt 1 users. It’s not at all as seamless and convenient as it should be. This will be fixed, it has very high priority, but there are some other things with even higher priority that needs to get fixed first.


    in reply to: Is access to your website mandatory? #3513


    Hello “Duke of Zürich” ;-)

    I’m glad you liked the old AxCrypt, and of course a bit sad you have issues with the new one.

    Just to be sure – you do realize that the Internet-connection requirement is a one-time-only requirement? It’s not required for day-to-day use. All encryption/decryption is still done locally without server interaction. It’s still open source, so you can verify this.

    Since nothing is set in stone, I’d really appreciate if you could elaborate on why you find it unacceptable to have an account with a working e-mail?

    Anyway, regards and thanks for the input!

    in reply to: Auto sign out options #3496


    Thank you Yehuda!

    Here’s the thing – we’re allergic (at least very sensitive) to options. We think software should try to work as well as possible without options as far as it is at all possible. Also, we don’t want to re-invent any wheels.

    All of these options and settings actually exist – in your screen saver settings. Since we *really*, *really* recommend that a password protected screen saver is always used, regardless of the use of AxCrypt or not, this would be a duplication of features already existing.

    So, while I really appreciate you taking the time, in this particular case I stand by our active decision not to have this as an option. At least so far – I’m always open for new takes on old situations!



    Hello Peter!

    If you have old files encrypted with an old version of AxCrypt and the password is different from the password used to sign in to AxCrypt 2, the following happens:

    1 – You sign in with the password you signed up for AxCrypt 2 with.

    2 – You attempt to open an ‘old’ file. AxCrypt tries to use the sign in password, but discovers it doesn’t work.

    3 – AxCrypt pops a new password dialog, asking for the password for this specific file. This is where you enter your old original password.

    4 – AxCrypt succeeds in decrypting the file, and asks if you’d like to Auto Convert the file. We recommend you click yes.

    5 – Assuming you clicked ‘yes’ in step 4, AxCrypt now takes the decrypted file and re-encrypts it with the AxCrypt 2 encryption, and the sign in password instead of the old file password.

    So, from this point forward, you have effectively changed the password for the file. You no longer need the old password for that particular file.

    There is no strengthening or any actual interaction with the server during encryption. The server connection is only used to update licensing information and synchronize some ‘behind the scenes’ internal keys, check for new versions etc. All encryption and decryption is done locally.

    There is no need to have an Internet connection to use AxCrypt. It’s only required when AxCrypt is registred on a device, i.e. when you run it the first time on a computer. Not thereafter.

    If you change your AxCrypt ID Account Sign In password, all files that have been encrypted while signed in to AxCrypt 2 will also open with the new password.

    Your old AxCrypt 1 files that have not been converted are as they are, and still require the original password used then.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #3488


    Hello Andy!

    Thanks for the feedback, it’s really appreciated.

    First things first – I’m not accepting donations for AxCrypt via the new site, since we’re actually trying to run this as a Freemium software, i.e. a free software with a Premium mode for pay. So, sad to say perhaps, I’ve gone commercial. But, the intention is that the free functionality shall be fairly equivalent with the original free ‘donationware’.

    That the donation button does not work on the old site is news to me, thanks for that. You’re right, the Payson link is dead. Will fix asap.

    By the way, you do not need a PayPal account to use a credit card via PayPal, they’ll work as general payment provider also.

    Now, as for the sign in & password issue. Technically there’s not really a problem having a separation of the password used to sign in to the web-part and do the things that the web is needed for. In fact, the software does support this partially, just try to open a file encrypted with version 1 and a different password and you’ll be prompted for it. But you can’t encrypt with a different password in AxCrypt 2 in any convenient way.

    The reason we decided, so far anyway, to use a single password for it all is because we think that for most users the convenience outweighs the security concerns. I’m really not that keen on having users having to keep track of, and keep separate in their minds, two passwords. We have enough passwords to keep track of as it is!

    Another reason to use a single password is that we’ve seen many cases with AxCrypt 1 where users encrypt a new file, and then either forget what password was used that time, or mistype it twice. Both cases lead to data loss. That’s another reason why we validate the password first, and only allow encryption after ‘signing in’. This decreases the risk of encrypting with the wrong password.

    What we are considering for the future is a mode of operation where the password as such actually never reaches the server, instead we’d use a challenge-response protocol for the authentication part of the process, and to all encryption and decryption locally.

    This should address your real concerns. The problem is that it might not be enough, because there’s an intuitive feeling that if a password is used for anything online, it’s a problem. Even when it’s really not.

    What’s your take on this?


    in reply to: Cloud Security – Multiple PCs #3487


    Rob, thanks for providing the link to tresorit. It has indeed similar, and even more extensive, functionality. However, it is priced at 6x AxCrypt Premium (which is also only required for the sharing person, not necessarily the sharees who can use AxCrypt Fre). As for AxCrypt being too clunky that’s something I’d dearly like to address. The intention and goal of AxCrypt is to be the opposite of clunky, so please help us out here and let us know what we can do better! We’re listening!


    in reply to: Cloud Security – Multiple PCs #3486



    This was actually responded to via private e-mail, but since the topic is here as well, I’ll copy that response more or less verbatim.

    Yes, AxCrypt is perfectly suited for this scenario. However, the sharing feature does require Premium – at least for the part doing the sharing. I.e., Premium is required to share with someone, but the sharee does not need Premium. In the case you describe, it sounds like your managers would be best served by having Premium, the 2 of them.

    Since you’re always getting 30 days free Premium, I suggest you download and try it out. What you are looking for then is the ‘Key Share’ feature, this is what let’s you share the internal file encryption keys with others without sharing your own password.



    in reply to: Clean Open Files #3485



    Thank you for reporting this.

    Can you send a screen shot of the error message please?



    in reply to: File Wipe problem an File Explorer issue #3473


    Hello Rico,

    We logged an issue for this. You can follow it here.



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