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  • in reply to: encrypted files showing up un-encrypted in C:\users #4134


    Hello John,

    Thank you for working with us to determine the cause of this behavior.

    As you noted, there is no difference in double-clicking or right-click AxCrypt | Open. That is expected.

    You seem to have found something when you say that it sometimes opens twice. We’ll have to stress test that and see if we can reproduce it.

    I did notice though that you’re not running the latest version of AxCrypt. Please always ensure that are running the latest and greated, especially when testing things out.

    May I ask what version of Windows you’re using, and also what viewer you are using for pictures?

    in reply to: encrypted files showing up un-encrypted in C:\users #4131


    Hello John,

    I’m sorry, I was not clear enough. Of course I don’t want you to send any real content files! No, what I meant was the configuration text files that are located in %localappdata%\AxCrypt (this is above the ‘randomly’ named folders where you saw the decrypted images).

    These files are named ‘FileSystemState.txt’, ‘ReportSnapshot.txt’, ‘UserAccounts.txt’, ‘UserPublicKeys.txt’ and ‘UserSettings.txt’.

    Once again – the only time that AxCrypt creates decrypted in ‘random’ folders below %localappdata%\AxCrypt (where you found them) is when you double-click an AxCrypt file to open it directly.

    This can in turn lead to another situation – if you *edit* the files after this type of open, *and* do a ‘Save As’, you may inadvertently be saving new copies to the temporary folder. These may then be left around, and it’s a known issue for this very special case.

    I’m guessing the files in question were leftovers from your ‘playing around’ time. Perhaps you cleared all settings, or reinstalled AxCrypt or did something similar while they were there. In this case, yes, AxCrypt will lose track of them. I’ve added an issue to handle this situation also. You can follow progress here: .

    in reply to: encrypted files showing up un-encrypted in C:\users #4128


    Hello John,

    The files that go into the “Recent” tab are the only ones that are temporarily decrypted to %localappdata%\AxCrypt. These are only files that are “opened” – i.e. not decrypted manually, but opened, viewed while remaining encrypted (or updated if you’ve edited the file). Files that you for example decrypt using the AxCrypt Windows Explorer context menu right click | AxCrypt | Decrypt do not go there, nor are they temporarily or in any other way decrypted to the %localappdata%\AxCrypt subfolders.

    The icon will become red for the duration that you are signed in and AxCrypt has a record of any file being decrypted temporarily to %localappdata%\AxCrypt.

    If you could please email the text files you find in %localappdata%\AxCrypt to support att axcrypt dott net, we’ll take a look at them and see if we can determine what has happened. To what’s in them, just open them with notepad – they are just regular text files.

    in reply to: encrypted files showing up un-encrypted in C:\users #4124


    Hello John!

    In the main window, there’s a tab named ‘Recent Files’. This is a list of files that you’ve worked with recently. This list is persisted to a file, and that’s also where it’s recorded where and if a file is open that needs to be cleaned.

    The icon is only red when there’s  a need to clean something. As I said, mostly it’ll do it automatically.

    You do need to be signed in also for the icon to be active, since it may need to re-encrypt modified files and it can’t do that if you’re not signed in.

    in reply to: encrypted files showing up un-encrypted in C:\users #4120



    This is caused by not instructing AxCrypt to clean up these temporary copies. This is indicated by AxCrypt enabling the red broom icon:


    When you click that it’ll clean up. In most situations, AxCrypt will clean this automatically but in some cases it can’t determine if it can do so safely, then you decide by clicking that icon.

    in reply to: AxCrypt works to encrypt and decrypt using the free version? #4119



    I can see nothing really wrong. Your account is verified, and you have successfully signed in as late as today.

    You’re not showing all the screens I think?

    I’ve tried a number of scenarios, but I cannot reproduce this at all. One thing that has been an issue before, is that the windows become positioned wrongly – even off screen.

    Another idea would be if for some reason the settings file has become write protected.

    Can you please try to reset all settings and then sign in? Also ensure that there are no running instances of ‘AxCrypt’ in Task Manager. If there are – terminate them.

    The setting is under ‘Arquivo | Opcoes | Limpar todas as configuracoes e Sair’ (sorry for not having the right keyboard to write the characters correctly).

    in reply to: AxCrypt works to encrypt and decrypt using the free version? #4110


    Hello Fabio!

    Please post screenshots of the situation where things go wrong, it’s a little hard to determine exactly what your problem is.

    Also, in order to check your account we need your registered email. Please send it to support att axcrypt dott net (replace as obvious) if you don’t want to publish your emailadress here.

    Finally, don’t try to do all those ‘tricks’ – you’re just going to get into deeper trouble. AxCrypt works as it is – or it doesn’t in which case we need to fix it.

    in reply to: Can't log in Axcrypt, can't decrypt encrypted files #4106



    Ok, then. The next time, if any, that you can’t sign in please take a screen shot of the situation then, with the error and send to the support email.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Can't log in Axcrypt, can't decrypt encrypted files #4104


    Hello Killian,

    I take then that you updated to the most current version of AxCrypt and thereafter it all worked as it should? Good luck!

    in reply to: Can't log in Axcrypt, can't decrypt encrypted files #4093


    Hello Killian,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems. I’d like to ask you for your account email, and some screenshots to help you resolve your problem. If you’re uncomfortable with posting that here, please send an email to support att axcrypt dott net .

    (Replace ‘att’ and ‘dott’ with the obvious. Misspelling intentional. We get enough spam as it is!)

    in reply to: Unhappy with version 2 #4091


    Hello Gopalakrishnan,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    We’re grateful for all comments, and we’re working continuously on improving the experience for existing as well as new users.


    in reply to: Will not allow multiple users of the same encrypted file #4090



    In order for several people to be able to open the file with their own passwords, the first person must use the key sharing feature to add the other recipients.

    Right-click the file in the Recent Files View, and select “Key Sharing”. Add the other recipients email addresses and click ‘Share’.

    Then, distribute the file via for example a shared Dropbox folder.

    If you’re having problems with this, or I’ve misunderstood, please add a screenshot explaining where you’re stuck.

    in reply to: Is it safe to use the version 1.7.3180? #4086


    Ok, thanks for your input.

    I wont’ be changing your mind I guess, but for what it’s worth:

    – There are no options really with v1 or v2, as far as I know. Of course, there are more functions with v2, that’s true.

    – The sign in is really no difference in usage – type your password and hit ‘OK’. You can run offline if you wish.

    – Not sure what you mean about ‘no password asked before encrypts’. V2 does not ask for a password to encrypt. V1 may, or may not, depending on your choice.

    Anyway, thanks again, and good luck.

    in reply to: Is it safe to use the version 1.7.3180? #4084


    Hello Artax,

    I’m really sorry to hear that you do not find version 2 to be easier and simpler to use – which is the intent! In order to drive development in the right direction, I’d really appreciate specific comments on what you find to be less attractive with version 2. We’re continually adapting and fine tuning AxCrypt to fit as many usage scenarios as possible within our overall design and security goals.

    No, as to your question: AxCrypt 1.7.3180 is as safe to use as it always was. However, it’s not being actively developed and while we are not aware of any issues with it, it’s unlikely we’d fix them should such arise. In the long run it’s also likely it’ll become incompatible with future versions of Windows. But it does appear to work well with Windows 10, so for now you should be fine.

    We’ve made some changes to how AxCrypt is used, most of which actually make it more convenient to use both for daily personal use, as well as for sharing encrypted files with other recipients. We’ve also removed some usage patterns that are simply not good. Before making the final judgement, please look into the following blog posts:


    in reply to: Failure to open file into emacs with "open" #4081


    Hello Andrew,

    Yes, your ‘.txt’ -> ‘runemacs.exe’ file extension association, where ‘runemacs.exe’ in turn actually starts ’emacs.exe’ will indeed fool AxCrypt.

    It’s an unusual situation, but I’ll add an issue to handle this somehow. We’re trying to keep the logic around this much simpler than with AxCrypt 1, which had a whole number of heuristics – and still did not do it 100% right.

    You can follow for progress of this issue.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Azhaguraja B.
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