Forums Help & support Will not allow multiple users of the same encrypted file

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4089 Reply


    Hi, in our workplace we have multiple users that use 1 particular file, we have updated the axcrypt and created our own accounts, and when we try and open the file, it says the password is wrong (even though its not), and only 1 person seems to be able to open it. How can we ensure that everybody is able to open this document (this document also gets put on our Dropbox account, and the staff who are trying to open it off our dropbox are unable to access it)


    Thank you

    #4090 Reply



    In order for several people to be able to open the file with their own passwords, the first person must use the key sharing feature to add the other recipients.

    Right-click the file in the Recent Files View, and select “Key Sharing”. Add the other recipients email addresses and click ‘Share’.

    Then, distribute the file via for example a shared Dropbox folder.

    If you’re having problems with this, or I’ve misunderstood, please add a screenshot explaining where you’re stuck.

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