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  • Svante

    Hi Neil,

    The version is good.

    Do you have any really large folders that are secured?

    Do you have an active Internet connection when this happens?

    Do you use a Proxy to access the Internet?

    Finally, can you please post a screenshot of the AxCrypt window when it is greyed out, and after it actually completes the waiting?


    Hello Neil,

    Can you tell me what version of AxCrypt you’re running?

    We are aware of an issue if you have secured folders with *many* files in it. It should not freeze though…

    We’d like to get to the bottom of this, but we need to know the circumstances so we can reproduce it – and then fix it.

    in reply to: What encryption? #12378


    Hello Alan,

    Since AxCrypt does not intrude into the operating system, an encrypted file is decrypted locally when requested and then the appropriate application is used to open the temporarily decrypted file – in the location you mention.

    Once you close the app, AxCrypt cleans up and there is nothing to find there.


    Hello Philip,

    The subscription is per user, on any number of devices. All you do is sign in with your account (i.e. email) on the devices in question.

    in reply to: AxCrypt + email Workflow #12352


    Hello Quentin!

    AxCrypt is not optimal for e-mail-style communication with many back-and-forth messages. As you say you can send to others who only need the free Viewer. They can update the document and send it back, but they can’t create new documents and share with others.

    in reply to: Some files refuse to encrypt with AxCrypt #12349


    Hello Nick,

    My guess is that the files are marked as hidden or system. AxCrypt will silently ignore such files.

    in reply to: Understanding Passwords #12348


    Hello Steve,

    Check out the videos at !

    No, the recipient will not need your password to open the file if you’ve used the key sharing function. That’s the whole point ;-)

    It would not be very useful if you were required to divulge your password…

    in reply to: Axcrypt App Not Responding – Locked out of ALL files #12344


    Hello zeus912,

    Thank you for the new info, and I’m happy it sort of got resolved. I really have no idea why it would take that long, there’s really no good reason. A few seconds is all it should take – at the most!

    I notice you’re on a Mac. Does this happen everytime?

    It could get stuck waiting for an Internet connection for example. It shouldn’t, but it could…

    in reply to: Axcrypt App Not Responding – Locked out of ALL files #12340


    Hello zeus912,

    Just what version of AxCrypt do you have installed, and what stage does it hang? A screen shot would be helpful.

    You can uninstall without risk. It does not affect your existing encrypted files. You do need to re-install a working copy in order to decrypt of course, and you do need to know the password.

    in reply to: "Wrong password" #12309


    Hello Dataplayer,

    We’ve looked further at the logs of both software updates and your stored data.

    You successfully accessed the account until September 18. Then you started getting “wrong password” errors.

    Your data stored on the server, used to validate the account has not changed since April. It has remained the same.

    We updated the software on the server on September 8, and then on September 28.

    So, between the time you successfully signed in, and when it stopped working for you, nothing on the server has changed! It is hard to envision a situation where our software acting on the same data will give different results with the same input (your password).

    I am trying to help you sort this out, but it’s not helpful if we focus on the wrong things.

    So, let’s try an experiment.

    Remember – all that is really needed to decrypt a file is the AxCrypt app, the original password and the file. The servers are there for convenience and other functions. It is not required.

    Presumably you have a file you’d like to decrypt.

    1) Make a copy of your encrypted file, and only work on that.
    2) Start the AxCrypt app, click ‘Cancel’ when asked for the password.
    3) Select File | Options | Clear all settings and restart.

    I’ve prepared a dummy account for you, we’ll use this to setup AxCrypt again.

    4) Sign in with ‘’.
    5) Use the password ‘not4real!Files’.
    6) When signed in, try to open the encrypted file,
    7) You’ll be asked for a ‘file password’. This will be your real, original, password used when you first encrypted that file. Type this in notepad, and copy it and past it to the password file.

    If this works, go to and try to sign in with your real account email, and the above pasted password.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #12241


    Hello bill,

    Sorry to hear it! What were you paying for the old version 1 if I may ask ;-) ? You do know that essentially equivalent functionality is still free in version 2? Unfortunately we have bills to pay every year, and with a regular license model we either have to keep finding new paying users at a steadily increasing rate (if we want to grow and improve the software), or engage in the continuous version-switching and upgrade “offers”. AxCrypt 1 stayed at version ‘1’ for 15+ years. Version ‘2’ has stayed at version ‘2’ for 4+ years. With a license model we’d be forced to bump the major version every year or so in order to entice or force you to upgrade… We really do think the subscription model is a more honest way of doing business.

    The online account has its’ sides, some plus and some minus. We think benefits far outweighs the disadvantages. You can of course run AxCrypt 2 entirely offline if you insist. Just enable the ‘always offline’ option. You still have to do a ‘registration’, i.e. assign a user name, but the information is never sent anywhere. All is 100% local.


    Hello Chuck,

    The password is encrypted using your password, and your AxCrypt ID public key and key sharing recipients public keys if relevant. The downloaded executable is entirely generic and does not contain anything else such as your email or password in any form.

    The email is used to sign in, to tie the license to the user and most importantly – to lookup other recipients AxCrypt ID public keys when key sharing.

    in reply to: This app can be easily bypassed lol #12189


    Hello anonymous,

    I am sorry, but you are so very wrong here. Please re-check your results and investigate a bit more. It just doesn’t work that way.

    The encrypted file is *encrypted*.

    I don’t quite know what you did to make you think this, but you’re welcome to provide more information so we can understand where you went wrong in your assumptions.

    Start by creating a file or copying an existing file. Then copy it again. Then encrypt the first copy (which among other things will indeed rename it to -ext.axx). Compare the encrypted copy with the original. They are different. If you rename the encrypted file, it will not open in the original application (unless you’ve changed the original extension association to AxCrypt of course – in which case it will open as long as you’re signed in to AxCrypt).

    in reply to: "Wrong password" #12187


    Hello dataplayer,

    Looking at the logs we can see that you created the account in April, and successfully logged in most recently in September.

    Now, when you attempt to log in two months after the last time you did, your password does not work.

    We’ve checked the underlying data, and nothing has changed. So, although, you’re not going to like this, my conclusion is that while you may be entering a password that is correct for some services, this is not the password you used with AxCrypt.

    Please try to reconsider if you may be mixing things up – after all, if you’ve not used a password for 2 months it’s only natural to be a little unsure about what it actually was – or which one it was.

    You do get locked out after 15 attempts, and you did hit that limit when you tried but the lock out counter is reset after 10 minutes so you’re free to try again.


    Hello Chuck,

    Yes, do try the Premium plan – it’s free for a month. Then you can decide.

    Yes, you can decrypt an encrypted file on any computer where you have AxCrypt in some form available – as long as you know an appropriate password. There is nothing necessary stored on the local device where the encryption is made, or on our servers.

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