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  • in reply to: Silent installation #8096


    Hello Seb,

    In both cases (AxCrypt 1.x and 2.x) it is possible to perform the actual installation silently, but the user will still need to setup an account (for version 2) and enter the password.

    You can request .msi-installers (or extract them from the .exe installer) and use them for deployment.

    in reply to: Secure file #8095


    Thank you Nick!

    in reply to: Open With #8094


    Thank you James!

    in reply to: Behavior of secured folder #8093


    Hello Antoine,

    Thank you for reporting this.

    Please contact support for this. It sounds very strange, the bug referred to by Carl is slightly different, but it may indeed be related.

    in reply to: Axcrypt stopped working #8092


    Hello Paulo,

    If you’re still having problems, please do as James suggest. We are not aware of any particular problems with any recent Microsoft update.


    Hello bindu,

    Please do not use ancient and obsolete versions of AxCrypt or any other software. Version is about 10 years old. For AxCrypt, if you insist to use the old version 1, please get the most recent version 1.7.3180 at .

    Or, better, update to version 2 and share files more easily and securely using the key sharing feature.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #8090


    Hello Zulu,

    Thanks for your input!

    I’ll try to respond to some of your concerns.

    Why does it need to go online at all?!” – It doesn’t, you can use it entirely offline. Online does offer some advantages though.

    Why do you need a verified email address for the user?” – Two reasons: One as you say to support the business model. But the other reason is because it enables us to communicate with users, and it helps us immensely when we provide support. Although we log very little, and no individual encryption / decryption actions, we do log events such as failed and successful sign ins, password resets (the fact, not the password) etc. This gives us a chance to help users who have gotten themselves into trouble.

    … the comments/reviews the downsides of AC2 are pretty much related to a business model need rather than a user functional need” – Some few changes are indeed to support the business model, but they also overlap with features and user friendliness aspects. The account email is for example also used to implement the key sharing functionality, which has been requested by many for a long time. This enables us to use a single password model for all AxCrypt functions, while allowing you to share encrypted files securely with others using advanced public key technology without hardly noticing it. This also enables a feature even if you don’t share with anyone – if you change your password, this new password can be used to open even old encrypted files, since we always ‘key share’ encrypted files with yourself.

    It does not need much functional change from year to year ( 95% of its function was present in version 1)” – Not really true, and with version 2 we now support iOS, Android and OS X, also requested by many for many years.

    Rather charge a nominal fee for version 1.8 which would include 256 encryption than pursue AC2 would be my recommendation” – We have of course considered this, but there are some problems. It’s a non-trivial thing to implement, and we just don’t think it’s worth the effort. But, the source code is out there, so anyone could if they wanted to! I’d be happy to give advice and some support to a serious such effort.

    The new website for AC2 lists and uses links for reviews of AC1 as support for a reason to buy AC2” – We feel this is fair, because effectively, version 2 is a superset of version 1. Even the normal use case is click and type identical! If you close your eyes and don’t look at the different look, the clicks and typing is actually identical to version 1 with “Remember this password for encryption and decryption” enabled.

    And, as you’ve noticed, we do keep the old version around and will continue to do so indefinitely.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2.0 and 1.7 #8089


    Hello Mari,

    Thank you for your input. We’d love to please everyone, but as it stands we simply don’t have the resources to work on version 1 as well. The source is out there, but apparently although over 20 million people have tried and used AxCrypt 1, not a single one of them have felt that it’s worth the time and effort to continue working on version 1 either… The source code is out there, so anyone with the right skills certainly could do it!

    Right now, I can’t suggest a replacement – but we are working on making the AxCrypt 2 experience being improved as we go along.

    For what it’s worth – we’ve received many comments to the effect of “I was initially disappointed like so many others by version 2, but after using it a while I realize that the changes are actually an improvement”.

    So, you might also want to give it a try…


    Thank you Ashley!

    in reply to: Axcrypt Users Required? #8086


    Thank you Dave!

    in reply to: old version of AXCrypt versus new one #8085


    Hello Bruno L,

    We don’t know your password with the new version either.

    Concerning the use of different passwords, please see .

    You can still download the old version from but it is essentially unmaintained.

    in reply to: Garbage! #8084


    Hello Peter,

    Thank you for your input!

    I understand that your main issue with AxCrypt is our complexity password requirements. The thing is, we we know from experience that without this many will use passwords that are simply too poor. These users will then live in the false belief that AxCrypt offers any protection, which in this case it doesn’t. AxCrypt is about providing real security within the bounds we specify, not just the warm fuzzy feeling of thinking you’re secure.

    Also, we’re promoting a model where you only use one password, and this does make it more worthwhile to learn that strong password by rote. There’s also a password manager included with AxCrypt.

    To assist, we have a password generator that may help you generate memorable but strong passwords. Try it out at .

    in reply to: Garbage! #8083


    Hello J Goss,

    I’m sorry you don’t like AxCrypt – but it does work quite well, and does recognize passwords for millions of users. If you’re having problems, we’re here to help you resolve them, but we do need more details.

    Concerning the reCaptcha – we don’t like it either, but we have no choice. Without it, this forum is absolutely useless, with  thousands of spam posts every day. If you have a better suggestion on how to stop spam with even less effort than a click in a checkbox, please let us know!

    in reply to: Sign-in doesn't work #8079


    Hello Anonymous,

    I do recommend that you check out the information at to see what AxCrypt does.

    The statement “It keeps asking for a password, and there isn’t one” is hard to understand, since that’s what AxCrypt does – encrypts files using a password.

    If you’re still having problems, please explain more and provide a screen shot of where you’re stuck.

    in reply to: Getting started #8078


    Hello Joseph,

    What is an ADSM User in this context?

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