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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rasadda 2 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #11044 Reply

    Adrian Rickus

    This is NOT a community request, please don’t respond unless you are an employee of AxCrypt

    I am the IT manager at a company and have tried to purchase one of your business licenses for one of our employees

    I will admit, and I don’t know why, bit I believe our email system has blocked the invite


    I cannot change the invite address, which is a basic change and I should have the control this

    I will have to go through the effort if this isn’t resolved within 24 hours of claiming the credit card payment back, I do NOT appreciate the inadequacies of the account management and have no patients for such setups with no feedback or support channel available

    which leads me on to….

    I am NOT authorised for support as I haven’t got  a license myself, this is simply ridiculous !

    Your system is broken for corporate support and needs fixing


    contact me ASAP, you have my email

    #11047 Reply


    Hi Adrian,

    First of all  – I am sorry you’ve had problems with the process.

    You can always contact us via email, at info at axcrypt dot or support at axcrypt dot net, which may be a better channel for this type of problem. Please only contact us via one channel at a time though…

    If you’d like a refund, please do so by requesting it from us directly. We always process it quickly and without any trouble. If you go through the credit card company, it’ll be a lot of administration for you, a lot of administration for us – and some costs. A simple email to info at axcrypt dot net will suffice. We may ask you why, but we’ll refund you promptly if we can’t resolve the issue quickly.

    Since you have posted more or less anonymously here, it’s not quite trivial to figure out who you ‘really’ are, i.e. what email you’re using, but we’ve found you via our basic web server logs. It seems you’ve used two different emails, presumably one corporate and one private.

    From what we can see, the email has reached your companys email servers correctly and been accepted. Have you checked your spam folder?

    The problem of changing the ‘invite address’ is that we can only allow you to change an email if we can verify that you control the original email – otherwise anyone can change any email. In your case, your original email is unverfied, so it’s a little of a chicken and egg situation.

    However, you don’t need to change it. Just use create another one with an email you think will work better.

    But… in this particular case, the problem is really at your email server. Since the server has accepted our email, it must deliver it to you – possibly in a spam folder or somewhere else. But if it accepts it from us, and does not deliver it at all to you – then it’s misconfigured.

    I will also copy this reply and send it to your respective emails, and we may continue through one of those, which is probably more suitable for this.

    #31139 Reply


    The issue with altering the “invite address” is that we can only permit you to change an email if we can verify that you control the original email. If this is not done, then anyone is able to change whatever email they want. Because the authenticity of your initial email cannot be verified, you find yourself in somewhat of a catch-22 scenario here.

    basket random

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