Forums Bugs & issues "Unexpected Error" message

This topic contains 16 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aitch 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #3380 Reply

    Robert M

    An explicit offline mode would be good.

    What if “offline mode” was the default after activation?  The client could still automatically connect, but only when a connection is mandatory, as when changing your password or adding an address for access sharing.  Just a thought.

    #3384 Reply


    Thanks Robert for the input! Yes, we’ll consider something along those lines. As we really don’t *need* it, it should really not cause issues like this. There are some situations where it’s sort-of needed, at least causing confusion if not active.

    Anyway, we’ll continue to work and improve this as we go along. We’ve been in Beta over 6 months, but even so we’re sure to bump into things (like this). That’s why we’re also not going for the ‘major/minor’ release schedule, but rather of a continuous delivery process where we will upgrade once or twice a week so that we can always give you the latest and greatest full release instead of hotfixes, patches and releases.



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