Forums › Bugs & issues › perte de mot de passe
This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by SOra 4 days, 15 hours ago.
Ibrahimdepuis un moment j’arrive pas à ouvrir mes fichiers cryptés…. A chaque fois que j’essaie on me dit que mon mot de passe est erroné
RaphaëlCela signifie que votre mot de passe est incorrect.
Essayez autant de mots de passe que vous pouvez vous rappeler. Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, il n’y a rien que vous pouvez faire malheureusement.
AxCrypt ne vous dira pas que votre mot de passe est incorrect si vous entrez le mot de passe correct.
mounchingam nchare casimirj’a oublier le mot de passe Axcript besoin de votre aide pour récupérer mes photos
Hello mounchingam ,
Unfortunately, if you do not know the password for an AxCrypt-encrypted file you cannot open it, even if you can sign in to the account. This is by design, it’s just this situation that AxCrypt is made for and it works like this even if you actually are the original owner of the file.
If you think you almost know the password, we have simple software allowing you to try to find your password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at . Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.
If you do not remember the password to your account, you can always reset it. This is not a way to recover encrypted files! It’s only to allow you to sign in to the AxCrypt app and web. The new password will be used to encrypt new files. Go to to do this, or you can also go there from AxCrypt with File | Options | Password Reset.
ChevalierMon frère c’est suicider il a sept semaines sans laisser de lettre ou quoi que ce soit. Sur son ordinateur il y a de nombreux documents crypter par AxCrypt mais je ne connais pas son mot de passe. Est ce que vous auriez un moyen de m’aider pour avoir accès à ses documents.
Hello Chevalier,
AxCrypt is a file encryption software with no backdoor. That means, Nobody can decrypt the encrypted files without the file password used in the file encryption. This is the way AxCrypt app was designed.
Please use AxBruteForce tool to recover the encrypted files.
We have simple software allowing you to try to find password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at . Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.
Please note: AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.
SOraSi vous avez enregistré un compte avec un logiciel de cryptage, essayez d’utiliser la fonction de récupération Slither io de mot de passe pour récupérer votre mot de passe.