Forums Help & support Not receiving a activation code when first using.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3101 Reply


    Hello.  Recently ungraded to AxCrypt 2.1.1392.0

    I enter my email and hit OK.  The activation code never comes to my email.  I am checking inbox and junk folders.  I am on a laptop connected to public wifi.

    Any suggestions?

    #3103 Reply



    If you send me an email at support at axcrypt dot net specifying what e-mail-address you’re using, I’ll check our logs and see what’s happened. Some e-mail-providers are notorious in throwing away e-mail, and it’s also happened that users have misspelled their e-mail-address ;-)



    #3429 Reply

    paul Robertson

    I have not received an activation code?

    #3430 Reply


    Hello Paul,

    As mentioned previously here – there’s not much we can do without knowing what e-mail address you used.

    The most common reasons for not finding the activation code are, in approximate order of descending frequency:

    1 – The e-mail is sorted as spam.
    2 – The e-mail address was misspelled when signing up, so it can’t reach the intended mailbox.
    3 – A few e-mail services will block e-mail based on incorrect black lists. Thus it never reaches the recipient. We can usually see if this is the case if we know the e-mail address and the approximate time it was expected.
    4 – The recipient inbox is full, and the mail server rejects the e-mail.
    5 – The recipient e-mail servers are not responding immediately, and it takes a while for the sending to be retried.


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