I’m using AxCrypt 2.1.1615.0 Premium in a Windows 10 system. I’m generally very pleased with the software. I’m having trouble decrypting some files from a group of files encrypted several years ago using AxCrypt 1.x. (Several of the files have been decrypted successfully, so this doesn’t appear to be a software version or operating system problem.)
Whether I double-click on the file or I try to decrypt it using Debug>Try Broken File, I get a pop-up window titled “Unexpected Error!” The error message in the window is:
“Exception during processing of ‘<filename>’. [Inflating: incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree]”
Could you help me figure out what’s wrong and whether there’s anything I can do to fix it? (For example, if this is caused by a corrupted .axx file, is there I way I can attempt to repair the file?)