Forums Bugs & issues Can't open existing Axcrypt files with latest version of Axcrypt

This topic contains 82 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  EL 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #4676 Reply


    Hello Richard,

    I’d love to get a more clear report on your problems with PDF and EDGE. Can you send a screen shot of whatever error message you’re getting?

    You also write that “This forum is also a little awkward…” – can you please explain that further? Are you saying you can’t create a new thread for a new subject?

    #4677 Reply


    Hi Bernie,

    I’m not sure about what you mean when you write: “the popup for entering the passphrase works first time every time, even from the short cut to files to be opened”. Can you explain further, even better post a screen shot?

    #4678 Reply


    This is a pic of a shortcut on my desktop to my encrypted Passwords file. When I single click on the password file, the small “popup” Axcrypt window opens, and all I have to do is enter my password.

    I don’t have to associate files, because that’s already there from the original encryption.  And I’ve literally got hundreds of files.  So once I associate them to the new version of Axcrypt, I can’t open them with the old one again.

    My main annoyance with the new Axcrypt is having to sign in every time I want to use Axcrypt.

    Also when I right click an Axcrypt file, the options to decrypt, copy, clear passphrase, etc, are all listed.  I don’t have to open any other windows.  It’s all there.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>

    #4682 Reply

    Richard Long

    .DOC files work fine. Problem seems to be using EDGE for PDF files when opening an encrypted file from version 1 the first time. I have yet to find a way to POST a new thread. I have to first get into an existing post and complete info at bottom of that to post.

    After 1st open of PDF with EDGE


    #4684 Reply

    Richard long


    I considered reverting back to V1 but was concerned that V2 encrypted files would then not work on reverted V1. True? The additional open of account is a pain for a HOME user, but using a simple phrase as password that you can remember rather than a PW generator generated one helps. I would still like an option to eliminate the account signin if I want to. I understand that if I am in an office environment someone could sneak into my office and somehow get onto my system and encrypt some of my other files using their passphrases, but gee even that is ridiculous since I would have my PC signin protected. Thus, the account sigin is overkill and also questions privacy issues since after signed in your secured files are listed. I vote to eliminate it entirely.

    #4685 Reply

    Richard Long


    re Failure opening PDF file first time that uses EDGE, you now have a security exposure.: The file that fails the first time REMAINS as a .PDF UNSECURED file in user/local/appdata! See attached after all use of the file is complete and closed.After use file remains in appdata

    #4687 Reply

    Richard Long

    This is the other error that may come up 1st time a V1 secured PDF is opened via EDGE:

    Error type 2

    And this is an image of Appdata/Local/Axcrypt show all AxCRYPT failure attempts since using V2 that remain now as an UNPROTECTED PDF file on my system. I now have to remember to MANUALLY delete these files from appdata/local/AxCrypt to ensure my security of the files I once had protected.

    All failed files remain until manually deleted

    #4689 Reply

    Richard Long

    More on the PDF EDGE problem. Not only did the failed file remain in appdata\local\axcrypt but so did a new one. The attached image shows appdata\local/axcrypt after encrypting a never-before-encryped file “Swim Certificate” and then Decrypting it. The .PDF interim-when-encrypting or decrypting now appears and is accessible without going through axcrypt! Thus, unprotected.

    New V2 encrypt, then decrypt remains

    #4691 Reply

    Richard Long

    Continuing with the PDF failure, I also noticed that unlike V1 where I could force Axcrypt via a command to always use the DATE of the file when created/modified rather than the date encrypted. This is important to me in my file management process where I take incremental backups depending on the date and also when scanning to find an old file that no lopnger shows up as old file but newly-encrypted file. How do I get it back to doing what V1 did? Did I miss documentation for V2 discussing KEEPING the original file creation dates? Or did the feature/command go away?


    And while you are looking into these problems, how can I revert back to V1 Beta if these issues can’t be resolved? I still have the msi file for 1.7.2893.0-x64-en-US-Beta, but what do I have to do and how to do it re now encrypted via V2 files? Must I decrypt everything via V2 then reinstall V1? And are you sure this will work? I have years and years of V1 encrypted files.

    #4706 Reply


    Hi Bernie,

    First of all – to start a new topic, just scroll down to:

    New Forum Topic

    You write: “My main annoyance with the new Axcrypt is having to sign in every time I want to use Axcrypt.” The most frequent criticism we get about version 2 is that you normally *do not* have to enter the password every time, since we cache it for the duration of the Windows Session. We’ll be adding advanced options to control this behavior in the future, since it seems to be such a bone of contention.

    You then write: “Also when I right click an Axcrypt file, the options to decrypt, copy, clear passphrase, etc, are all listed. I don’t have to open any other windows. It’s all there.”

    This is no real difference in Version 2, is it, you have the right-click and the tray menu that contains these options:

    Context Menu


    Tray Menu


    #4708 Reply


    Hello Richard,

    Thanks for all the input  – but there was a lot of it so I might miss to respond to something.

    The problem with first time opening of PDF and Edge needs investigation. Are you sure it has anything to do with Edge? We’ll look into that.

    That you find decrypted files in %localappdata% is normal as long as AxCrypt is running. They should be cleaned up when you really exit them, and they should be marked as ‘open’ in the recent files view and the red ‘broom’ (clean up) icon should be lit to inform you that you have decrypted files open in AxCrypt.

    The most recent version of AxCrypt 1.7 is available for download at (it is more updated than the version you refer to), and we have no plans on making it unavailable.

    We have no known issues with decrypting V1 files with V2. But, as an insurance, we still offer version 1 as mentioned and will continue to do so.

    The file time stamp issue I believe we have discussed elsewhere – if not, let me know and I’ll copy that thread here.

    #4712 Reply

    Richard Long


    I did not try a different PFD viewer, such as Adobe or the one within Chrome browaser becasue both lack a feature that EDGE has, specifically allowing me to display all the files in ky folder when saving a file so I can get the new file I am saving with a similar name. However, I did try DOC and WK1 files and they both worked fine.

    Re to the APPDATA screen images I sent. More than one AxCrypt process remains open after an error, but NOT the application that would have been used. If I try to signout of Windows, I receive an error that some application is still using AxCrytped file. If I choose to signout anyway, the appdata remains permanently.  After interogation all  files re AxCryprt on my PC, I discovered that V2 Logs are still available in appdata\local\temp for 11/20 despite removing V2.  These correspond to the day of errors and postings above. If you want them tell me how to send them. I see no attachment of file option on posts.

    I have updated to most recent V1.7 release now and running fine. Looking forward to V2 changes to remove requirement for LOGON and an option to KeepTimeStamp the same as inside file.

    #4716 Reply


    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for the info. Yes, please send the logs to .

    As for V2 without the “logon”, I have a hard time really understanding the reluctance here. If you use AxCrypt in the same way for V1 and V2, i.e. double-clicking a file in Windows Explorer – you can could do this blindly without knowing if it’s V1 or V2. It’s *exactly* the same mouse-click + keystrokes! It *looks and feels* a little different, but the actual operation is identical.

    Double-click, type your password, hit enter or click OK.

    The V1 dialog is named “Enter Passphrase”. The V2 dialog is named “Sign In”. But the actual actual and effect is almost identical.

    V2 offers more options on how to work with encrypted files, and makes it easier by default to work with multiple files (but this mode of operation exists in V1 as well, although it’s optional). But you don’t have to use the other ways to work with files in V2, you can restrict yourself to just use it just like V1.

    #4720 Reply

    Richard Long

    “As for V2 without the “logon”, I have a hard time really understanding the reluctance here.”

    I signin AND signout of Windows each day. So the next day when I signin and want to do any encryption/decryption, I first get the prompt for the AxCrypt Signin which is NOT my passphrase but IS also used for online access. Thus, should not be a simple, remembered password. I use a password generator and the first time I saw this had to be set, I generated a password which I cannot remember. Thus, I had to go to password manager app and retrieve it and copy it to the AxCrypt prompt for it. Really annoying.

    I am NOT referring to the prompt for passphrase which I realize is the same and wonderful. I just want the first AxCrypt signin to disappear when I am working with my own PC.

    #4725 Reply


    Hi Richard,

    The point with V2 is that you should only be using a single strong password for all your encrypted files, it is also verified in order to ensure that you did not mistype it – this is to avoid the situation where you encrypt files with a mistyped password and then cannot open them. The workflow you describe is not how it should be. I do not understand how you get there. Here’s how it should be:

    1. You sign out of Windows.
    2. Time passes.
    3. You sign in to Windows.
    4. You do things that has nothing to do with AxCrypt.
    5. You double-click an encrypted file, or right-click an unencrypted file to encrypt.
    6. You get a password prompt to “sign in” to AxCrypt – really to set the default password to use for the session and to verify that it’s the one you’re expecting to use.
    7. The file is opened or encrypted.
    8. You continue to work with AxCrypt-encrypted files or encrypt new ones.  You are *not* prompted for any password, because you are signed in to AxCrypt, and we’ve verified that it’s the right password to use.
    9. You sign out of Windows, causing AxCrypt to also be signed out. Repeat from step 2.


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