Forums Help & support Can't decrypt a folder

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 11 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #34723 Reply


    <p>I have client files in a folder and I try to decrypt temporarily for the whole folder as I prepare their documents but it doesn’t decrypt.  I click on the folder, right click  and click on Decrypt temporarily  but it doesn’t work.   I have to go to each individual files and decrypt each separately.  I shouldn’t have to do that.  What, if anything, am I doing wrong?</p>

    #34732 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Dennis,

    Sign in to the AxCrypt app with your AxCrypt credentials. Then follow the below instructions to decrypt temporaily your secured folder by single click.

    We can decrypt the AxCrypt secured folder by navigating to the Secured Folders tab in the AxCrypt app. You can use Decrypt Temporarily Feature to secure and update contents of your folder files.

    Decrypt Temporarily will decrypt the entire folder until you signed out from the AxCrypt app. AxCrypt will re-encrypt the temporarily decrypted folder, When your account signed out from the AxCrypt app.

    In case the folder is not listed in the Secured Folder list, then you have to secure the folder again using the Add Secured Folder option from the right click content menu.

    If you are asking any Queries, please write us at

    #34745 Reply


    <p>That’s exactly what I do and it doesn’t work.  The first file it comes across, which has an extension of axx, it gives a message that it is not an Axcrypt file.  It doesn’t decrypt any files.</p>

    #34754 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Dennis,

    The error message indicates that the file simply is not an AxCrypt file – it checks the first 16 bytes for a unique value.

    Most often, this error occurs because the file is not produced by AxCrypt, but rather a different kind of file accidentally renamed to end with .axx. Another scenario is that it is a left-over after a previous decryption was interrupted at the stage where the original is overwritten.

    If you mistakenly rename non-AxCrypt files to end with .axx, in which case renaming back to its appropriate extension will fix the issue since the file was never encrypted in the first place in this scenario.

    Still, you are not able to decrypt the file, AxCrypt provides a feature called Try Broken File. You can decrypt the corrupted AxCrypt encrypted files by navigating the menu File | Options | enable Debug from the AxCrypt app.

    Now you could see the Debug the menu in the AxCrypt app. From the debug menu choose Try Broken File.

    Then you will be prompted for file selection. Select the corrupted encrypted file and then AxCrypt will try to decrypt the file. If successfully decrypted, then you can see the decrypted file in the file location.

    Unfortunately, If the file is actually damaged to this extent, sorry to say, no, it can’t be fixed. The data is just not there to decrypt it.

    If you are asking any Queries, please write us at

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