Hello Dan K,
The location(C:\Users\’user name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt) is for the temporary decrypted copies of the files. Those will either be cleaned automatically at the earliest opportunity or when you click the red clean “broom” icon in AxCrypt.
AxCrypt works by decrypting files temporarily and then launching the appropriate application for the decrypted file, which thus is entirely unaware of AxCrypt. AxCrypt monitors the system for the launched app to exit, and when it detects this it will re-encrypt the file and wipe (overwrite) the decrypted file and then delete it.
Please close the encrypted file and corresponding file, Please check the AxCrypt app every time, it will update the file, it’s then you can sign-out/exit from the AxCrypt app.
Note: The temporary files will be removed as soon as the opened encrypted file closed/signed out from the AxCrypt app.
If you have any questions, please write an email to support@axcrypt.net.