Forums Bugs & issues axcrypt and filecenter

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #22839 Reply


    The axcrypt menu selections (Encrypt/Decrypt, etc.) appear in the filecenter file menu, but using any of them generates the following error.


    C:\Users\Dave\Desktop\-b’ has the wrong file name extension. It must be ‘.axx’!


    The file I was going to encrypt is not on the desktop.   Can anybody tell me what file axcrypt is looking for?   Axcrypt works fine from windows file explorer.



    #22866 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello DAVID,

    AxCrypt secure your file and changed to .axx extension. If the files are having an “.axx” file extension, then the files are secured/encrypted  with the AxCrypt app.

    For example: your file name xyz.doc(original extension) after encryption your file name xyz.doc.axx(after encrypt using AxCrypt)”. but you are renamed wrongly the file extenstion like that.”C:\user…\b”. So please change the proper file extenstion. Then open the encrypted file without any issue.

    AxCrypt app encrypt file(s) with the .axx extension. AxCrypt encrypted files have their own file structure and AxCrypt app only can interpret and open those file(s). That’s the way AxCrypt was designed. Other than .axx extension files, can’t be opened by the AxCrypt app. No other application(s) can open the AxCrypt encrypted files.

    If the above doesn’t help, please provide detailed information about the issue and screenshot.also write a email to

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