Forums Bugs & issues Access Error

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Buffalo Cat 2 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • #37610 Reply




    I keep receiving this message, One or more errors occured. –> The account service ListMembershipGroupsAsync requires a user, when i try to access files. Can you please let me know how to fix this and access my encrypted files. This started occuring with the latest update. I signed in to my account to open up files and nothing works.


    #37615 Reply


    I received the same error message but only when trying to open files created several years ago using an older password and an older version of the software.  Previously I was able to open these by entering the old password but with the new update I get the same message.

    They need to address this QUICKLY so I can access my older files.

    #37621 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Jc and Doug,

    Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

    We have recently updated our application, We would request you to uninstall and re-install the Application.

    Before uninstalling, please follow the below steps.

    Please check the folder(C:\Users\’User Name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt). If you found any subfolders inside the AxCrypt folder, take a backup of those folders. Then clean the local cache in the below described way.

    Please delete the folder (C:\Users\’User Name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt) to clear the local cache and start the AxCrypt app like a new one.

    Then uninstall the AxCrypt app and restart the system then install the latest version-2.1.1687( Download AxCrypt | Encrypt and Decrypt files | Mobile, PC, Cloud ) of the AxCrypt app.

    Still, if you are facing any issues, please write to we are happy to help you.

    #37638 Reply


    Does your cache-clearing advice also apply if AxCrypt v2.1.1687 is working well but  v.e.r.y.  s.l.o.w.l.y?

    #37639 Reply

    Buffalo Cat

    Note: I’m the last anonymous poster above.  When I clicked “Submit”, this page returned an error, but partially recorded my post anyway.

    #37648 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Buffalo,

    We are continuously working on to resolve the issues. Please allow us some time to resolve the issues. Once resolved, we will update here

    #37657 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Buffalo,

    We have Fixed the issues and updated our application, We would request you to uninstall and re-install the Application.

    Before uninstalling, please follow the below steps.

    Please check the folder(C:\Users\’User Name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt). If you found any subfolders inside the AxCrypt folder, take a backup of those folders. Then clean the local cache in the below described way.

    Please delete the folder (C:\Users\’User Name’\AppData\Local\AxCrypt) to clear the local cache and start the AxCrypt app like a new one.

    Then uninstall the AxCrypt app and restart the system then install the latest version-2.1.1689( Download AxCrypt | Encrypt and Decrypt files | Mobile, PC, Cloud ) of the AxCrypt app.

    #37660 Reply

    Buffalo Cat


    Boom – it’s fast.  Thank you.

    BTW: In the Forum, “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” is enabled but I get no emails (nor in Junk).

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