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  • in reply to: Demande d'amélioration #9711


    Hello Laurent,

    Yes – if you’d like to tell us the translations of something not translated (but I think most should be in the most recent version), we’d much appreciate it!

    in reply to: Replicating our Axcrypt 1 workflow #9706


    Hello PeterW,

    Briefly, you have understood correctly.

    A free user can open files shared with him/her by someone using Premium/Business, but cannot share themselves.

    The key sharing functionality is indeed what should be used, along with the secured folder functionality. For the folders where you want to share files, configure AxCrypt to share with the appropriate recipients.

    Best is simply to try it out first – that’s why we offer 30 day free Trial!

    in reply to: Demande d'amélioration #9705


    Hello Laurent,

    For 2) and 3) – you need to go to “options” and enable “Include Subfolders”.

    in reply to: Newby questions #9704


    Hello Madison,

    It’s not a glitch in our system. It’s a glitch in your memory ;-)

    You are not entering the right password for the file in question, so it asks you for it. You then re-enter the same password you used to sign in with – but that has already been tried, so we inform you that it’s no use re-entering a password you’re already signed in with and that we’ve already tried, and failed, to open the file with.

    You need to remember the password originally used to encrypt the file. Remember that a password reset does NOT give you access to previously encrypted files. It only allows you to sign in to the system, and the new password is used to encrypt new files.

    in reply to: Can`t open the files #9703


    Hello Laura,

    There is no connection between the ability to open a file and having or not having a trial, premium or business subscription.

    If you cannot open the files, it’s because of something else.

    Please make a screen shot of whatever message you are getting, so we can understand what is not working. But it has nothing to do with the expired Trial!


    Hello Rob,

    As Darrin says – we do not provide support on AxCrypt 1. The problem you describe is one of the reasons we’ve changed how AxCrypt 2 works, and included the “clean” broom icon.

    If you tell us what your problem with AxCrypt 2 is, we can perhaps support you in either finding away around your problem, or convincing it’s not a problem ;-) or even change it if it’s something we agree could be done better!

    in reply to: Unhappy with version 2 #9623


    Hello Ted,

    Actually, Jack C. was responding to the comment by Joe Donobomo – with essentially the same message as you. ( I think… ;-) )

    in reply to: Unhappy with version 2 #9620


    Hello Joe Donobome,

    Thank you for your input, but…

    Nope, you’re quite wrong in stating that it just doesn’t work. AxCrypt 2 in general works fine. Of course, it’s software, so it may have some bugs but for normal usage it’s quite stable and reliable – as evidenced by literally hundreds of thousands of users being successful in using it. Please contact support for help if you are having trouble using it.

    It’s hard to help you since you just say that you can’t “decrypt anything I encrypted”. If you provide more information, it may help us understand what the problem is for you.

    I can understand that you have opinions about the “repetitive prompts”, when starting AxCrypt for the first time there are some prompts and some steps to go through. We’re trying to keep them to a minimum, but every step and every prompt is there for a reason – because we’ve had users having trouble with the software, and these steps and prompts have minimized that. With the old version, we’d have much more users losing data for example due to forgotten passwords.

    in reply to: Ransomware? #9618


    Hello Pickle Rick,

    First of all – you’re welcome to use the old version 1 of AxCrypt for as long as you like, and we have it available for download at the old web site – . It’s exactly the same software you presumably used before (with the advertising stuff removed since many years, it’s entirely clean).

    Secondly, there’s no need to decrypt the files one by one with either version 1 or version 2 of AxCrypt, in this regard they work exactly the same. If you’re unsure of how to select multiple files in Windows, please contact your local support provider or even our AxCrypt support, we try to help out even when it’s just regular Windows usage that is the issue!

    I’m sorry you object so much to using an email address to register. It is kind of standard practice for just about any service available today on the Internet. And, as you noticed, you can use a bogus email or why not a throwaway email, it’s even easier – if you really insist.

    We also make the full source code available to both version 1 and version 2.

    Considering all of the above, I find it a rather harsh, even unfair, judgement to make any kind of comparison between AxCrypt and ransomware.

    in reply to: Demande d'amélioration #9616


    Hello Laurent,

    Thank you for your suggestions!

    1) We may support this in the future, but there are some security concerns.

    2) The “Secured Folder” with the “Include Subfolders” does this more or less.

    3) The “Key Share” feature with the “Secured Folder” and “Include Subfolders” does this more or less.

    4) We do have a reseller program, see .

    in reply to: Paid for subscription, but showing as expired #9614


    Hello Ronen,

    This kind of issue is best handled via support. However, just a quick response.

    It appears that we have not been notified by PayPal as we should of the payment (PayPal has a little complicated way of handling this), but we have indeed received the payment.

    We have credited your account now, and also added an extra month for the inconvenience this problem has caused you.

    I am very sorry, but hope that all is in order now. Please be aware that you’ll need to sign out and sign in again for the software to update it’s status.

    in reply to: Newby questions #9606


    Hello aophiuchus,

    Once a file is encrypted with AxCrypt, it remains encrypted until decrypted. An AxCrypt-encrypted file is just a file, like a PDF file, a ZIP file, a TAR file, a TXT file, a DOCX file etc. So no matter how you copy it or move it around, it remains encrypted until decrypted.

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2 makes me sad… #9604


    Hello Jack C.,

    Thank you for your insightful and detailed comments. We, and I, really appreciate this type of dialog with real users of our software. It’s how we keep doing things which are good, and improve the things we can do better. Without input like yours, it’s so much harder to decide how to continue develop AxCrypt.

    Here’s the issue for password-based sharing, if you’d like to follow it to get advance info when it’s coming into AxCrypt: .

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2 makes me sad… #9599


    Hi Jack C.,

    Thanks for your detailed input. We are considering various ways of supporting the “multiple password” paradigm, without making things more complicated for normal use, or risk of data loss (that’s a real danger with version 1 – people do forget their passwords, this risk is reduced when the number of passwords is reduced).

    in reply to: AxCrypt 2 makes me sad… #9595


    Hello Jack C,

    Thank you for your input!

    I’d like to know more about what gives you the impression that version 2 has “a container concept with spatial vagueness“. Obviously we’re doing something wrong here. AxCrypt 2 works just like AxCrypt 1 – it encrypts individual files, and nothing else. It does have a feature where it monitors folders for files to encrypt, perhaps this is causing the confusion.

    We really think the shared key feature works better for sending encrypted files to friends and family, while still maintaining a reasonable security model. Using “understood shared password (or hints for alternates)” is so weak I don’t really see the point at all of going through the extra effort of using a strong encryption tool with such a weak security model. I’d recommend attaching an informative text just stating that this content is private, and anyone but the legitimate reader really should not peek. I think it’ll provide stronger protection, really!

    From an AxCrypt point of view, we’d like to discourage such use of the product, since when the data is leaked due the weak key management we’ll probably get the blame while in fact it’s just how it’s (mis-)used that is the real problem. We’d like AxCrypt to be really easy to use, and hard to misuse.

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