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  • Svante

    Hello DeniG,

    It should of course not pop-up just because you unlock your screen saver. Not sure if it really does that either, but as mentioned it should not.

    We added an issue that can be followed for this: .


    in reply to: Axcrypt2Go #3885



    AxCrypt2Go is deprecated and is no longer support. It still should work though. As you say, if you get AxCrypt2Go when you click an .axx file, the file association is wrong.

    You should be using AxCrypt 2 (or perhaps 1.7 – although that is no longer maintained either).

    Go to the downloads section here, download AxCrypt 2 and install. That should fix the association and make it easy to work with the encrypted file.


    in reply to: How Can I Email and Encrypted File ? #3884


    Hello Sandra,

    Thanks Ralf for your input. A little more additional info:

    AxCrypt is at it’s core, a password based file-encryption software. A file is always openable with the password used by the original encrypting person.

    So, if you encrypt a file, share it with a different e-mail (that you control), sign in to that e-mail, download the file and open it in a situation where AxCrypt is running and you’re signed in with the password that was originally used – you can open it.

    In your likely scenario, it’s even more easy – since you’re sending it to your self, of course you can open it if you’re signed in to AxCrypt just as Ralf states – it’s still the same file (or rather an identical copy). Just because you share it, does not mean you cannot still open it yourself.


    in reply to: Too old to catch on to new ways #3883


    Hello Rick,

    Can you be a little more specific about what problems you are experiencing with AxCrypt 2.1.1444 or later on Windows 10?

    It’s still free, and to our knowledge works quite well on Windows 10.

    If you are having problems, we’d love to help out!


    in reply to: Steganography with AxCrypt #3833


    Hello Niloy,

    You cannot do that with AxCrypt. AxCrypt is in no way a steganographic application. You can send your friend an encrypted file with AxCrypt, and he or she would recover it with their own password.

    A separate application that could embed any kind of data file in a steganographic fashion inside an image could of course embed an AxCrypt file. But I cannot recommend any particular such application.


    Hello Wayne,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems. However, so far we’ve not had a single reported case where a file encrypted with AxCrypt 1 was not possible to open with AxCrypt 2, provided the original password is known.

    Can you please send a screen shot of the situation where you are stuck – it is much easier to understand exactly what’s going on.

    Also, FYI, we’re entering the most intense vacation period here at AxCrypt.

    in reply to: AxCrypt freezes when I try to log in #3830


    Hello Roberto,

    Thank you for reporting this. Can you perhaps email the files in %localappdata%\axcrypt\ to svante dott seleborg att axcrypt dott net ?

    FYI – it’s vacation time so it might be a few weeks until we can respond.


    Hello John,

    Thank you for the bugreport. The intended behavior is that if a file is removed from the file system (by whatever means) it should be removed from the recent files view automatically.

    I’ve filed a bug report on this, and we’ll schedule this for a fix after the vacation period.

    See .

    in reply to: axcrypt sign in #3828


    Hello James,

    You can always re-install version 1.7 or earlier. It is found at However, please understand that version 2 will sign you out automatically when the screen saver goes active, you log out of Windows or your computer goes to sleep.

    Please read for a longer discussion of why you should not walk away from your computer regardless of what version of AxCrypt you are using.


    in reply to: AxCrypt Portable #3822


    Hello MaT,

    Yes, you are right this is how it works now. We’ll probably be changing this so it either stores it on the same device the exectuable resides, or at least in it’s own folder. We’ll also be supporting multiple users in the same device, so this would probably be fixed at that same time.


    in reply to: Decryption of Audio Files #3821


    Hello Jan,

    This does in no way sound like an AxCrypt issue. AxCrypt is only relevant for files encrypted with AxCrypt, such files should always have the extension “.axx”.



    in reply to: axcrypt sign in #3816


    Hello Sachin,

    Thank you for your input!

    Although we are not quite convinced by your arguments, it’s always good to hear different views about the issue. Although I don’t think we’ll “go back” to the old model completely, what we may do by popular demand ;-) is to make it optional to stay signed in. To be honest – I don’t see the point, but we’ve done other things that don’t really improve security to ease user adoption. As long as it doesn’t significantly hurt it, we’re fine with it.

    Leaving that issue for now, I wonder if you could elaborate a little on your thinking when you say “AxCrypt’s new model has essentially only made it useful for local device security“. Here I don’t follow at all – AxCrypt is at it’s best for encrypting data that is shared via cloud services or email etc. How does your reasoning go here?


    Hello John,

    When you get the computer back, please contact us. We need to figure out what the ‘offline’ problem is.

    Yes, you can select entire folders (but not recursively). Just right-click a folder in Windows Explorer and select ‘AxCrypt | Encrypt’. (With Premium, but that’s the problem of course, you can also designate folders as secured, which will facilitate to keep all files there encrypted).


    Hello John,

    The ‘offline’ indication is displayed when we cannot access our server from the application. Are you perhaps behind a firewall which requires separate authentication?

    The Premium purchase suffers from the same problem – the app can’t see that you’ve purchased Premium if it can’t access our server.

    The issue here is definitely in server access.

    Finally, you can encrypt and decrypt entirely offline. Just be sure, as always, to remember the password used.


    PS – We’ll of course refund your Premium purchase if you don’t want it after this is resolved. Also, you’ll still get your premium trial, so it’s not gone just because you purchased.


    Hello John,

    First things first – you’re offline. You can’t start a Premium Subscription offline since server access is needed to verify the offer. Just go online and it should appear. We should of course make that more clear. I thought it would clutter up the interface showing an option that can’t be used, but we’ll change it to pop a warning/information dialog instead.

    You’ve had the misfortune to come to AxCrypt from an unusal angle. 99% of the users download the app and do it all from there – the signup, verification etc. It’s much clearer then.

    The idea of starting automatically with Premium, is, well… We thought so too. It was like that up until a few days ago, but we’ve received so much user input about it, suprisingly enough, that we decided to try this model instead. Many users got confused and annoyed with the automatic Premium start.

    Pricing is indeed tough. You could well be right, and your basic reasoning is of course sound. However, we actually do have some real costs/new users – in support. But apart from that, yes, the marginal cost of a new user is low. However, our plan is to put more features into the product at the same price, most notably starting with mobile apps. Also, we’re lower priced than just about all competition.

    But, we’ll see, maybe we’ll get to 99 cents/month. Pesonally I’d love to – I’d much rather have many users at a low price many can afford, than a high price with fewer users where some just can’t afford it.

    Thanks for the input, keep it coming if you will!

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