Forums Help & support Wrong Passphrase

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #11145 Reply

    William Dannelly

    I am a long time user of AxCrypt using it on both Win10 and Win7 machines. I have not upgraded to 2. version yet so all files are 1. version. I have files that are as old as 3 years and as new as a 1 month. I have always used the same password and encrypted to .exe files. Today none of the files can be decrypted. For every file, both old and new, I get the same “Wrong Passphrase or key file” message.

    #11147 Reply


    Hello William,

    If the files have not changed, and the software has not changed… then I’m afraid it’s the password entered that has changed!

    Please check for example that you don’t have num lock or caps lock, and also ensure that you’re not mixing up different passwords, it’s not uncommon.

    #11155 Reply

    William Dannelly

    Savante, I am a long time user and only use one passphrase. It was working last week and now it is not. I encrypted a new file with the same passphrase and it dycrypts with not problem. All other files from three years ago to the one from last week all have the same problem.

    #11161 Reply


    Hello William,

    I understand your situation, but think about it logically. You write “I encrypted a new file with the same passphrase and it dycrypts with not problem” and then “All other files from three years ago to the one from last week all have the same problem“.

    You also say that you’ve not changed the software (and I should add, there are no reports at all of any incompatibilities between AxCrypt versions that would cause this kind of symptoms).

    My conclusion really has to be that the passphrase you used for the new file is in fact not the same passphrase as the one used three years ago. All this assuming that the message you’re getting is really AxCrypt saying that the passphrase is wrong. Just to ensure we’re talking about the same thing, you might want to send a screen shot of the error dialog.

    Do consider that spaces are significant, as is upper/lower case.

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