Forums Bugs & issues WIndows Update closing file

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #4391 Reply

    Jeff Madrak

    Windows 10 PC using  AxCrypt 1.7.3156.0.

    Was using AxCrypt de-crypted file while PC installed Windows update.

    When Windows update completed, PC restarted, telling me that the AxCrypt file was still open, do you want to close it or let Windows do it? I let windows do it.

    After Windows update and reboot, tried to open AxCrypt file, but got:

    Decrypt and launch of ‘secure.doc-txt.axx’ failed, The file does not appear to be produced by AxCrypt. GUID mismatch.

    Is there a solution?



    Jeff Madrak



    #4394 Reply


    Hello Jeff,

    That’s a bad situation. You should check the folders located at %localappdata%\AxCrypt . Open Windows Explorer and type it in the address bar and hit return:

    You may find some randomly named folders there. Check them and see if you might find the file still there.

    What you did when you answered ‘yes’ to the question from Microsoft, was essentially equivalent to resetting the computer or unplugging the power in the middle of AxCrypts operation. I’m amazed that Windows would operate in that manner, it’s not only AxCrypt that will have problems with that scenario.

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