Forums Bugs & issues Why can't I create a password that doesn't meant axcrypt's criteria?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #5042 Reply


    I just want to put a password on my files so my brother can’t see them. I’m not trying to block hackers from al quaeda. What can’t I just use whatever password I want? I the only answer is just the fact that that’s the way axcrypt is, can anyone recommend another password service that I can use?

    #5043 Reply


    Using an insecure password is a risk.

    If you’re worried about a family member seeing your private files then make a new user account in Windows and put a password on that or better still don’t share the computer.

    AxCrypt is professional software intended to secure files to the extent that the encryption cannot be broken. Using an insecure password would defeat the protection afforded by the software and then people would blame AxCrypt.

    #5044 Reply


    It sounds like axcrypt isn’t what I’m looking for then.  If your only answer is just the fact that that’s the way axcrypt is, could you recommend another password service that I can use?

    #5045 Reply


    Hello nobody,

    I’ll agree with Gordon – it’s what AxCrypt is intended for. I also agree with his suggestion, if you just want light-weight access control on a shared computer – setup your own Windows account on it and don’t let your bother use that account. No extra software needed, and it seems to fit your use-case. It’ll also keep bookmarks, search history etc separated from other users of the computer. It won’t stop a good hacker or a forensics expert, but it should stop your brother, and definitely make it very clear to him that your stuff is private.

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