Forums Community Using Axcrypt to distribute files

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #3859 Reply



    I am a moderately long term user of Version 1 Axcrypt and the usual use case was to encrypt a file (“Encrypt a copy”), send it to a client, contact them with the password, and they would decrypt (we typically use a common password per project).  This has worked really, really well – until now.  I told a new client how this all worked , he downloaded V2 and all this seems to have changed.  To understand his problems I installed V2 and went to “Encrypt a copy” – no such option via Windows Explorer “right click”!
    Can I do something like what I used to do, under V2?



    #3860 Reply

    Robert M

    If you upgrade to premium, you can share files with your clients.

    Your clients need to register an AxCrypt account, but they won’t need premium accounts unless they will likewise be encrypting files to share with you.

    The AxCrypt model has changed, and it’s a good model, but you really need a premium account to get the benefits – sharing being the most important, IMO.  I hesitate to link to other products here but there are a few decent ones that would allow you to continue doing what you’ve been doing.

    #3898 Reply


    Hello Colin,

    For your use case AxCrypt 2 is really a good choice!

    What you do, instead of encrypting a copy, is to encrypt the file in question, and then use the key sharing functionality to share the key with the recipient. Just enter the recipients e-mail address, and then send the file itself to the recipient as usual.

    Once the recipient has downloaded AxCrypt and created an account, he or she will be able to open the file with their own password. No more keeping track of lots of passwords, or figuring out a secure side channel to send the shared password over.


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