Forums Bugs & issues URGENT : when trying to decrypt executable file : Failed assertion in CFileIO.h

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #9306 Reply



    I generated from a zip file an Axcrypt encrypted executable file.

    AxCrypt version used : Axcrypt 1.7.3180.0

    I am able to decrypt the generated file

    But, I also sent this encrypted executable file to a colleague (with the correct password).

    This guy did not installed in his laptop any AxCrypt tool.

    He want to decrypt the file by double clicking on it.

    Usually (same laptop used) it is OK. This time an error message is raised :

    “Failed assertion in CFileIO.h at line 1714

    The handle is invalid.”

    Can you support me? it is urgent.




    #9309 Reply


    Hello David,

    AxCrypt version 1 is obsolete and unsupported.

    I’ll try anyway. If the file is larger than 2GB it can’t be decrypted by the self-decrypting software. This is a limitation of Windows.

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