Forums Bugs & issues URGENT: SSL certificate expired

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8308 Reply


    To the developers,

    I tried to log in to this website and my firewall prevented me because your SSL certificate has expired.

    I used the override to allow me access but it needs to be updated.


    #8309 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    Thank you for notifying us. Apparently our hosting provider has not done their job. Although I did not do this personally, as far as I know we have ordered a new certificate several weeks ago, and it should have ready and installed with margin.

    Just to be clear, this only affects ‘’, which is an information-only web server entirely (both logically and physically) separate from our infrastructure web server, ‘’ .

    We will address this immediately.

    Once again, thank you!

    #8310 Reply


    Thank you.

    I noticed that it did not affect the other site because there have been no issues with me using the software – that certificate was updated on September 21, 2017.

    If your provider allows you then it may be easier to use Let’s Encrypt as you can fully automate issuance and renewal with a short script or cron job. Let’s Encrypt don’t support extended SSL unfortunately so that may be an issue for you.

    #8311 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    Unfortunately they are a little behind their times as far as certificate management and handling is concerned. They do not support Let’s Encrypt, we’ve already asked about this. Also, their infrastructure is in general need of updating, they still use and allow some obsolete cipher suites etc. We have an ongoing discussion with them about this, and they are supposed to be working on updating this. To be honest, we’re not 100% happy with the services for our purposes but we’ve not been able to prioritize a move – but this incident certainly does indicate we should ;-)

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