Forums Help & support Unexpected Error – Inflating: oversubscriibed dynamic bit length trees

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #10785 Reply

    Mike Barbour


    I am trying to decrypt a file and keep getting the message “Unexpected Error – Inflating: oversubscribed dynamic bit length trees” after the file name in an alert box. The file will not decrypt. Any help welcomed.

    #10786 Reply


    Hello Mike,

    Can you give more details about the origin of the file, and the version of AxCrypt used for encryption and also if different, for decryption?

    #10787 Reply

    Mike Barbour

    Hi it was encrypted with the most recent version of AxCrypt  which I downloaded last week. And then I have tried to decrypt it with both the same version and the most recent version which I have downloaded today.

    The file is a Microsoft Excel file

    #10788 Reply


    Hello Mike,

    This would seem to indicate that the file has been corrupted. How was the file stored, i.e. on what type of medium?

    #10789 Reply

    Mike Barbour


    On a hard drive locally which backs up to a cloud server

    Does this mean the file is now non accessible?


    #10790 Reply

    Mike Barbour



    Just tried decrypting the file on another pc and it worked fine.

    Problem solved but still unsure why




    #10791 Reply



    This would indicate that the copy on the PC where it did not work indeed is corrupt. If you wish, I’d be happy to check this. You can send the encrypted files (without the password of course) to our support email and reference me.


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