Forums Bugs & issues unencrypted files still accessible after loging out

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michael 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #7659 Reply


    hi, on my android device, I log in to axcrypt, decrypt a textfile and open that in an editor (I tried total commander as well as the internal editor). I then leave the Applikation and get returned to axcrypt. now I sign out (!) of axcrypt.

    however, when I switch back to the editors, the unencrypted file is still there (in both editors)! even restarting (!) android (oneplusone 1) does not solve this.

    i.e., the confidential file is completely compromised. am I missing something completely?

    (the only way to solve this is to manually close the editor-applications each time, as far as I can tell)

    #7663 Reply


    Hello Michael,

    This is how mobile phones work unfortunately. Essentially, all applications are in their own sandboxes (lightweight virtual environments). They do not normally work directly in a shared filesystem, instead files are sent and copied between applications, so when AxCrypt opens a document in Total Commander for example – we send the file to it, and thereafter we lose control of what TC does with it. In this case, it keeps around in it’s local sandbox until you exit it.

    You should always use device encryption on mobile devices to keep data there protected. AxCrypt is how you get it there safely, simply put.

    #7666 Reply


    hi svante,

    thanks a lot for your quick reply! OK, I got it – however, I think that axcrypt should point make that much more apparent, because I guess that this fact (that the unencrypted file stays open in the application) is not obvious for most smartphone users. when I use axcrypt, there is no alert – and even in the manual there is no mention.

    I always encrypt all my devices; however, my OneplusOne (1st generation) can not be encrypted, unfortunately. so it is vital for me that a file that I decrypt does not stay open in any application after I close it. now I know how to do it – thanks; but I guess most other users aren’t aware of that – just like me, before your reply ;-)

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