Forums Community unable to open received file

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10182 Reply

    stephen grimmer

    I logon to the 2.1 client

    (works fine)

    I receive an axcrypt file from a 3rd party

    I attempt to open the file and I get prompted for a passwscreen shotord

    If i put in my password it shows a ! and says you have already logged in with that password

    If I put in the wrong password it show a ! and says you have entered the wrong password

    I can’t figure this out

    screen shot attached


    #10183 Reply

    stephen grimmer


    Maybe we figured it out…

    If a 3rd party sends an email with an encrypted file to me on Monday… and on Tuesday I change my password, then attempt to open the email I received on Monday… is this the message I get? In other words does the 3rd party need to send me the encrypted file again?



    #10185 Reply


    Hello stephen!

    Not if you *change* the password, i.e. sign in to the account, and use settings and *change* the password by first entering the old and then the new.

    Our logs indicate that it was indeed a password *reset* that was performed, not a password *change*.

    If you *reset* the password, i.e. request a password reset link without signing in with your existing password, then any files previously key shared with you will become inaccessible to you using the new password. If you think about it, this makes sense both from an intuitive security point of view, as well as from a technical encryption point of view. If all that was required to decrypt a file was to gain access to an email with a password reset link, AxCrypt would not be very secure, and not really be an encryption software but rather an access control software.

    So, yes, the sender will not only have to re-send the file but re-key share it so it will use your new AxCrypt ID to do the sharing, and then re-send it.

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