Forums Bugs & issues Unable to ecnrypt new files.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #7830 Reply

    Average Joe


    since about a month I am unable to encrypt new files. I am using v. 2.1.1536.

    When I try to encrypt a new file I get a window with the message: “Warning! ‘ABC123’ is not an AxCrypt file.”
    together with a second window with the message: “Unexpectd error! Exception during processing of ‘ABC123’. [Not recognized as a calid email address.]”

    And the file will not be encrypted.


    #7831 Reply


    Hello Joe,

    Please contact support for this by emailing support att axcrypt dott net .

    Do include screen shots of the various error messages, not too closely cropped so we can see the Windows Explorer and full AxCrypt window.

    #7838 Reply

    veracrypt progamer

    looks like he use a older version of visual studio. ms net 2.0 support stops with windows 7 (3.5 is actual version and icl some 2.0 funktions [but is not 100% compertible]!). but on win7 or newer you not can install net 2.0 stand alone files.

    so it is programed for older windows versions (xp,vista).

    #7840 Reply


    Hello “veracrypt progamer”,

    I’m afraid your response has little or nothing to do with the original poster’s question.

    FYI AxCrypt 2 is compiled with Visual Studio 2015, and targets and require .NET Framework 4.5. AxCrypt 2 is not supported on XP, but will run on Vista with .NET Framework 4.5 or better installed.

    The original poster’s issues have absolutely nothing to do with this though.

    You are of course welcome to participate in these forums, as long as you are constructive and polite to all parties. But we’d all appreciate it if you did your research before posting.

    The full and complete source code for the Windows application is available at . In other responses I’ve also posted links to relevant information concerning the rationales, reasons, and technologies used.

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