Forums Bugs & issues Unable to Decrypt, Encrypt and File – I'm locked out of all (encrypted) files!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #7526 Reply





    I am unable to open any encrypted file, unable to decrypt or encrypt any file. The following error report appears, and the only way to remove the report is to use Windows task manager to ‘End Task’ the Axcrypt instance.

    The only changes I have made today are Windows 10 system updates (automatic updates).

    I have fully checked my system for malware, using Kaspersky and AntiMalwareBytes – there were no problems.

    I have restarted my system, I have unistalled  and re-installed Axcrypt and the same problem recurs.




    #7527 Reply


    Hello Derek,

    Sorry for this, there was a small issue with the server earlier today affecting a very few users. We have since corrected, this but there may be a lingering effect like you see.

    We have now restored your account so you should be good to go.

    Also, remember, AxCrypt can work without Internet, so if something like this happens you can go offline and continue working. In the end, the only thing you need to open an AxCrypt-encrypted file is the software and to know the password.

    Once again, sorry for the inconvenience and scare!

    Also, you get fastest response from Premium support if you have it, or from support att axcrypt dott net. These forums are really for community support, although we do try to respond when we can – or when it’s urgent like this.

    #7528 Reply


    Thanks for your help. The problem is fully resolved, and I am still a fully committed user of this wonderful encryption system.!!

    #8817 Reply


    I’m unable to open encrypted file by using AXCrypt program. It’s harmful since that file includes memos.


    #8818 Reply


    Hello Janne,

    Can you be a little more specific about the file, the history and just exactly what you mean by “unable to open encrypted file” please?

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Reply To: Unable to Decrypt, Encrypt and File – I'm locked out of all (encrypted) files!!!
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