Forums › Bugs & issues › Splitting passwords
This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Svante 7 years, 7 months ago.
jjartusI am an AxCrypt user since the first version. This accepted a two parts PW, that means a word and a file. This was very convenient, because it allowed for using a relatively simple and ease to remeber word, that could be used without beeing written anywhere, and a complex text file that could be in a pendrive (PD) easy to control. If occasionally someone could access your PD, still an important part of the PW was missing. Now you need a large random PW impossible to remeber, and you need it written somewhere, increasing the risc level.
Could it be possible to restore the former implementation, allowing for an optional file?
Thanks in advance.
Hello jjartus,
We discontinued the ‘key file concept’ for a number of reasons, mostly because it tended to cause data loss when the key file was lost.
Instead, we recommend to use a single very strong password, and we have provided a password generator to help you out.
We do recommend that you write this one password down on paper (unless you use a password manager from someone else than us, in which case we recommend that you write down that password on paper) and store in safety deposit box or similar.
AnonymousSorry, but it does not sound to me a strong answer. If the alternative is carrying a strong key written in a piece of paper (or in a PD), with a safe copy somewhere, or carrying a PD with a very strong and long text key, with a safe copy somewhere, and a short key in your mind, and you need both to decrypt, I personally and undoubtedly choose the last method. Unless you convince me of the contrary.
The main objection is that in an external computer you may not be allowed to insert your PD, but do not know how important this situation really is.
Hello Anonymous,
I’m not saying you should carry the strong key on a piece of paper.
I’m saying you should use one single strong key that you remember, and use that to protect your other secrets such as your encrypted files and other passwords.
Since that one single strong key is the key to ‘everything’, it’s pretty bad to lose, therefore you should have a non-perishable backup safely stored away. Our suggestion is a piece of paper in a safety deposit box or similar.
Our suggestion is that you keep the entire strong key in your memory, and keep a safe backup of it.
We provide our smart password generator that creates strong, but useful, passwords to assist you. Try it out here: . It’s of course included in our password manager as well.