Forums Community Some questions after upgrading to premium

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mike 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4067 Reply


    After months of testing, I finally took the plunge and upgraded my production machines from v1 to v2.  I also upgraded to the premium version.  I do have a few questions that hopefully someone can answer:

    *What happens one year from now when my premium subscription runs out?  Will it automatically be renewed?  If not, will I at least receive an email letting me know the subscription is about the expire?

    *I converted all of my AXX files from v1 to v2 before purchasing the premium version.  Do I need to somehow reconvert them to take advantage of 256-bit?  If so, how would I go about doing that?




    #4068 Reply


    Hello Mike!

    Welcome to Premium :-)

    – You’ll be reminded both via email and via a notification in the application when your Premium is about to expire. We will not charge you automatically though. If you let it expire, nothing ‘bad’ really happens. You’ll have full access to all your encrypted files (but new or updated files will use 128-bit) and if you use the password manager, you can read all but not update.

    – That’s a feature that’s not yet implemented, but we’ll have a ‘upgrade 128 to 256’ bit function in the not too far distant future. I’ve added an issue in our tracker for this: . Right now, you’ll have to decrypt and re-encrypt (that’s actually what needs to be done anyway, but we can automate it).

    #4069 Reply


    Thank you for the reply.  I look forward to the new features in the future.  :-)

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