Forums Bugs & issues Should have time out function

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6022 Reply


    Just downloaded and have only be using for 30 minutes. My main concern right now is that you are constantly logged in. If I open an encrypted file, close it, and go grab coffee, it is open to anyone to open the encrypted files. I think there should be the option to make it so each file has to be opened with a password every time (like with Microsoft Word).

    #6024 Reply


    Hello Peter,

    Don’t walk away from your computer without using a password protected screen saver, at the least! See for a longer discussion about this.

    That being said, we will be adding the the timeout option, even if it does promote a false sense of security – if you walk away from a computer without locking it, you are *** anyway as far as security goes. In the end we’ll be spending less time implementing it than answering questions about it ;-)

    #6029 Reply


    In the end we’ll be spending less time implementing it than answering questions about it ;-)

    if, if, else, wait return

    Probably less than 20 lines of code to implement a time-out function and it’d reduce questions/requests.

    Maybe even include an option which sends the ‘Windows Key + L’ keystroke to Windows whenever time-out has elapsed. That’d provide security and give the user a tick box whereunder there is an explanation of the benefit of locking the system as opposed to locking only AxCrypt.

    #6155 Reply


    Hello Svante. Although I realize now the argument you are trying to make and I believe you are right.

    #6159 Reply


    Hello Peter,


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