Forums Community Sharing shared files with a 3rd party

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Azhaguraja B 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #10934 Reply

    Lesley Vanbeck

    Hi I’m currently using the trial version of AxCrypt and I’d like to understand how it works in the following scenario.

    We have shared files which are accessed and updated by a number of users who will each have premium AxCrypt.  How would we share the file with a 3rd party client who would have the free version?  How would we know which keys to share?


    #10944 Reply

    Azhaguraja B

    Hello Lesley,

    AxCrypt has a key sharing feature letting you add recipients by email address, who when they receive the file can open it with their own AxCrypt password.

    Key sharing embeds the shared key into the file. The file must thus first be key shared with the recipient, then sent or file shared. Please note that AxCrypt does not share or send the actual file. To see a quick instructional video explaining how to use key sharing, please view .

    Note that the person you’re sending the file has to use AxCrypt 2 with the email address you shared the file.

    Sharing a secured file is made directly from the AxCrypt software by choosing the secured file, click the share button and simply select the team member you want to share it to. The recipient just needs a free AxCrypt ID and will be automatically invited via email if necessary. The invitation email contains instructions on how to view and edit the file.

    No need to worry about, which keys you have to share? and other informations. Because AxCrypt Key Sharing will take care of keys and it’s related. For more information about AxCrypt ID and Keys, please check out our blog:

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