Forums Community shared encrypted file

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #7000 Reply



    I want to share an enrcrypted file with my colleague, but I don’t want to use my personal keyphrase.
    I need a second keyphrase that I share with my colleague to encrypt/decrypt files using this key. Is this possible with the current version of AxCrypt?

    I am already looking forward to the answers!



    #7001 Reply


    No. The use of multiple passwords was discontinued from version 2 for security reasons.

    You have to use the key share feature if you want to share files.

    #7004 Reply


    Hello Stephan,

    As Nelson mentioned, this is now much easier. You each use your own personal private passwords, and then you use the key sharing function to share access to the file with your colleague.

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