Forums Community Setting a new File password

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #19368 Reply

    William Bartholomew

    I must have set the file password to always use that password for encryption. I don’t get a popup asking for the file password when I encrypt a file. How do I get the popup back that asks for the file password? I am using the free version version 2.1.1611.0.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

    #19381 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello William,

    I will explain How AxCrypt(2.x) Works:

    AxCrypt 2 works just like your email software or most other password-protected systems. You sign in once and remain signed in until signed out. Just like you can read many emails without entering the password every time, AxCrypt will do the same. The files are still encrypted, but your password is remembered until you sign out of AxCrypt.

    AxCrypt stays signed in until signed out, just like most similar applications such as your email. Once signed in, you can read, write and update information without having to re-enter the password, until signed out. AxCrypt will automatically sign out when the screen saver goes active(based on the Inactivity Sign Out configuration), or you can sign out manually.

    You can use our Inactivity Sign Out feature, to sign out the AxCrypt app on certain time interval of inactivity. Also you can sign out the AxCrypt app, when opened the encrypted file(s). Now AxCrypt will ask the user to enter the sign in password to sign in to the AxCrypt app. For Inactivity Sign Out, File | Options | Inactivity Sign Out | Choose duration in minutes.

    Please note: Inactivity Sign Out is s premium feature.

    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact our support via

    #19388 Reply

    William Bartholomew

    I understand how signing in and out of AxcCrypt works. My question is not about signing in and out of AxCrypt. My question concerns the the password used when the “file” is encrypted. I do not get a pop-up screen that asks for the “file” password when I want to change the password to encrypt a file. How do I get that pop-up screen if I want to change the “file” password I have been using?

    #19400 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello William,

    AxCrypt 2 now use a single sign on model where the same password is used to sign in to our servers and to protect your files.

    Do you ask for different password for different files? If yes, Sorry to say, AxCrypt 2.x does not support different password for different files feature due to some security reasons. Please refer our blog for more info: .

    AxCrypt will use the AxCrypt account password to encrypt/decrypt the files. The account password is used/involved to encrypt the files with the AxCrypt app.

    #20051 Reply


    So basically you are saying that the password you use to save files will be uploaded in the internet? Is this safe? By the way, I also don’t find how to change this password, the one used to encrypt my files.

    #20068 Reply


    Hello Ilias

    So basically you are saying that the password you use to save files will be uploaded in the internet? Is this safe?  -sorry to say, it’s not clear.Please explain detailed information in your query.

    If you wish to change the AxCrypt account password. Please sign in to the AxCrypt app with your AxCrypt credentials. you can change the AxCrypt account password via File | Options | Change Password from the AxCrypt app or you can change the AxCrypt account password via our account site, please sign in our website ( ) then go to settings |Password.

    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact our support via

    #20084 Reply




    thank you the reply. I am saying that I cannot understand how to change the password that I use to encrypt my files. I can change my Axcrypt account password (which is different) but since this new upgrade I don’t find how to change my password that I use to encrypt my files.

    #20124 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Ilias,

    AxCrypt 2 now use a single sign on model where the same password is used to sign in to our servers and to protect your files.

    Do you ask for different password for different files? If yes, Sorry to say, AxCrypt 2.x does not support different password for different files feature due to some security reasons. Please refer our blog for more info: .

    AxCrypt will use the AxCrypt account password to encrypt/decrypt the files. The account password is used/involved to encrypt the files with the AxCrypt app.

    #20128 Reply


    Hello Prabhukumar,

    Thank you for your reply. No I am not talking to use different password for different files. I am saying that at the moment when I sign in it says:

    ”You are signing in with a local password, instead of the online account password. This is often the result of a password reset online, but use of the old password now. Please ensure you are using the same password and account online, or contact support”

    so I have two questions:

    1. how do change this password? In my Axcrypt web account? if yes then please answer me question 2

    2. if ”AxCrypt 2 now use a single sign on model where the same password is used to sign in to our servers and to protect your files.” how safe is it to have my password online??

    #20151 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Ilias,

    You have login to the AxCrypt app in local mode, that reason you get the above message. i will explain more about, what is the local mode?

    You might be used your old AxCrypt password(which is different from the one that is exists in our account server) to sign in to the AxCrypt app.

    If users used an old AxCrypt account password to sign in with the AxCrypt app, then the AxCrypt app will warn the user with local mode warning text(like you are getting).

    You can also use the AxCrypt app in local mode. But the currently used sign in password will be used to encrypt the files. We do not suggest the users to use it in local mode, unless any special cases.

    So, Please use your latest password to sign in with the AxCrypt app(internet enabled) without any issues.


    Please try to clear the AxCrypt local contents via the AxCrypt file menu File | Options | Clear All Settings & Restart.

    #20158 Reply


    Hello Prabhukumar,

    Thank you for your reply. Things are clear for me now. Still, I would like to hear more on how safe is to have our passwords uploaded on your systems.

    Kind regards,


    #20174 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Ilias,

    AxCrypt is a file encryption software with no backdoor. AxCrypt do not store users’ information or password in our server, instead it will keep the users’ basic information like Email address, IP Address and more. To know more about what stored on our server, please check our privacy policy-

    Please read more info about how AxCrypt works and technical information page:  or

    #20766 Reply


    merhaba ilyas bey aynı sorun bende de var. oturum açabiliyorum ama dosya kilit kaldır dediğimde şifre istiyor aynı şifreyi yazıyorum kabul etmiyor. sorunu çözebildiyseniz yardımınızı bekliyorum

    #20791 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Ramazan,

    We have responded to your support email. Please check the same.

    “Please avoid sending a same query in different mediums. You may get duplicate response”

    Still, if you are facing any issues, please write to we are happy to help you.

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