Forums Bugs & issues secured folder

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #5218 Reply


    I recently download your program to see if it fit my needs but I ran into an issue.

    I cannot drag and drop a folder into the “secured folder” tab  but for some reason if I drag and drop a folder into “secured file” tab it does.  When I drag a folder into “secured folder” tab I get a slashed O icon.  Also no secured folders are listed in the “secured folder” tab even though there are.

    Thanks in advanced,


    #5221 Reply


    Hello gregg,

    Can you send a screenshot of the situation? It’s not entirely clear what’s not working as it should here.

    AxCrypt has two tabs “Recent Files” and “Secured Folders”, maybe you mean “Recent Files” when you write “secured file”?

    #5517 Reply


    Hi – Can I not drag folders into the “Secured Folders” window? I’ve tried , but nothing happens, i.e. the folder is not encrypted, and I get the bar/circle icon.  If I can’t drag folders, that means I have to go through a tedious process to encrypt folders and subfolders one-by-one. Now THAT would be a drag.

    ALso – is there no way to batch encrypt folders?

    This is the window I am trying to drag folders into:



    #5521 Reply



    You should be able to drag folders into the secured folders window – provided it’s actually a real folder. You may need to click the ‘broom’ icon to actually encrypt the contents.

    As for sub folders, sorry – we don’t support that just yet.

    #5526 Reply


    Thank you for your reply Svante.

    Not sure what you mean by “a real folder”. I open Windows Explorer (Windows 10 Pro 10.0.14393 Build 14393). I drag a folder to the secured folders window – and nothing. The broom icon is greyed out.

    What might I be doing wrong?


    #5528 Reply


    Hi Ron,

    I mean not a virtual folder such as ‘My Documents’ or ‘Desktop’.

    Do you have Premium (or Trial)?


    #5529 Reply


    Hi Svante –

    I thought that’s what you meant by “virtual folder”. The folders I am trying to drag into the secured folders window are not virtual.

    I believe I am in the 30 day trial period for Premium.

    Thanks – r

    #5533 Reply


    Hi Ron,

    Can you send an email to with your account name, and if possible a screen shot of the AxCrypt window when you try to drag and drop a folder?

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