Forums Bugs & issues Recurse folders?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3147 Reply

    Greg Baber

    I dropped-and-dragged a folder to the Secured Folders tab, but only the files within the top level folder were encrypted.  Is there a way to recurse thru all folders and encrypt everything?



    #3149 Reply


    Hello Greg!

    Yes, right now it’s just the selected folder. Technically it’s really simple to implement recursive semantics, the problem is that we’ve tried this before and unfortunately some users get into trouble because they do not quite realize the consequences…

    We’re working on ways to enable this functionality without the risks.


    #3176 Reply

    Greg Baber

    Thanks for replying.  An option setting somewhere that allowed for recurse or not recurse would be nice.

    Also, we store our folders on the server where multiple people have access.  Users add files to the folder all the time (at different levels) so we frequently “re-encrypt” the entire folder.  In Ver1, we had to respond “Yes” or “No” for each already encrypted if we wanted it overwritten.  A “remember this setting” button here would be nice too.



    #3179 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Not sure about your multiple people scenario, it sounds like the ‘secured folder’ feature should do the trick for you (except for the recursion thing right now of course). Are there other annoyances here as well?

    We’ll probably be adding some feature for recursion, but we’re still considering various ways of doing so without risking users doing more than they expected. We’ve had cases for example where a user will try to encrypt recursivey everything from C:\ , and similar.

    #3186 Reply

    Greg Baber

    A little bit more on multiple users:

    Our users are divided into at least three groups; let me call them “all”, “restricted” and “executive” and our folders are encrypted with three different passwords, one for each group. Users in the “all” group know only their password; users in the “restricted” group know theirs and the ‘all’ password; executives know all three.




    #3187 Reply



    With AxCrypt 2, this is not the way to go ;-)

    Here’s how you should do it (let’s forget the recursive issue for now):

    Place the files in three different folders “All”, “Restricted” and “Executive”.

    Set these up as secured folders in AxCrypt 2. Then for each of the folders, add each user e-mail that should have access under the “Key Sharing” option.

    Each user will then have access to all the files he or she should, and with their own password.



    #3844 Reply

    Greg Baber


    Any update on recursion? We’ve reviewed at least a dozen other encryption products and none even come close to what Axcrypt 2.0 does for us, with the exception of the folder recursion.



    #3908 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    We’re likely to implement recursion along with some other advanced options to cater to differing needs.

    Recursion as such is almost trivial, it’s the user interface to view and enable disable that’s the challenge.

    We will likely collect all ‘dangerous’ nonstandard options into a single dialog and then require password verification to change.


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