Forums Help & support Recepient claims did not received email

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #11274 Reply



    I sent encrypted email to various recepients but one of them claims he did not received the email from AxCrypt in order to register himself. He claims he checked at junk and inbox but could not find the email. What can be done in order for him to receive the email without re sending the files?


    #11275 Reply


    Hello Alberto,

    One possibility is that you misspelled the email, so do check that.

    Otherwise we can check if you contact support if it has been properly sent and accepted by the recipients email server.

    Finally, the user can trigger a re-send by registering manually at the web site, . Of course – if you’ve shared the file with the wrong e-mail address the user will not be able to open the file anyway.

    Also, please remember – we do *not* send the actual files, it’s not quite clear from your post, but you do need to send the actual files separately yourself.

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