Forums Community Ransomware and Acrypt

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6410 Reply


    Hi There,


    Sorry for the stupid question, but let say my computer gets infected by those Ransomwares, and i have a Harddrive where all my files are enctypted using Axcrypt, these are then safe and my code is able to unlock these anyway, OR they are anyway corrupted since it’s an encyption over another encyption , sounds not possible to me, but i’m not a computer/software specialist at ALL.


    Thanks for clarifications.



    #6411 Reply


    If your computer gets infected with ransomware then you will not be able to recover any files (including those encrypted by AxCrypt) because it is “encryption over another encryption”.

    Keep Windows up-to-date with all of the recent patches, use a good quality antivirus program, use a good firewall, don’t open suspicious files and backup all of your data regularly.

    Windows includes free backup software. You can find instructions below:

    If you want a third-party solution use Personal-Backup:

    Experts can use Clonezilla:


    Whatever backup software you use, make sure you backup your files regularly and then use AxCrypt to encrypt your backup.

    #6412 Reply


    Hi There,


    Thanks for fast reply, so yes ok, encryption over another encryption, i tought it was silly, but it wasn’t.


    Well i backup on a hard drive that is encrypted using Axcypt and is not connected neither powered, ony when doing the backup process.

    I think that’s safe enough, even if an online backup won’t harm in case of a hardware failure, thanks for the links.





    #6413 Reply


    Hi all,

    As mentioned – encryption is no protection against data loss for whatever reason, including ransomware. Backups are the protection for that.

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