Forums Help & support Question: How to Manage Axcript 2.0 With Multiple Users

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3089 Reply


    I’m not sure how to  manage files for different users. I have files that only I can access and I have files that I and others can access. How do I set up Axcrypt 2.0 so that users can access only the files they should be able to and not the ones they can’t on the same machine?

    #3093 Reply



    This scenario with multiple users should be handled like any multi-user scenario in Windows. With different Windows accounts. There are a zillion different reasons why this is the way to go, and not for us to try to isolate different users in the same Windows session.

    That being said, we will be adding limited multi-user support later, but not for this scenario, but rather for the scenarion where one physical person has several AxCrypt ID accounts for whatever reason.


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