Forums Community Progress Bar

This topic contains 20 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mark 3 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #15326 Reply



    the encryption process happens in alphabetic order

    #15453 Reply


    Any update on this?  It’s been 3 years since we were told it was on the list of things to do. Maybe we could get a progress bar on its completion status? :-)

    #15463 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Mark,

    We are working on the issue. the progress bar issue is almost completed, waiting for under the review this issue will release soon.

    Still, that feature is not released. It will be released soon in the upcoming versions of the AxCrypt app.

    #21985 Reply


    I’m a new user and this was a feature I am also looking for .  Since there is no progress bar, I am curious what would happen if I were to shut down my computer while the encryption was in process?  Would I get a warning or would the program stop in its tracks, leaving un-encrypted files in the folders?  Its 2021 – how is the progress bar coming along?

    #22004 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Anonymous,

    AxCrypt application is automatic to interpret/ manually stopping during the Encryption/decryption process. AxCrypt application does not continue to encrypt/decrypt the process. AxCrypt application is stopping.

    Our developers are busy with developing and fixing major and high priority task/issues.Based on our developers availability, it will get completed soon.

    #22008 Reply


    Based on our developers availability, it will get completed soon.


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