Forums Bugs & issues Password didin't work anymore after updating

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laurent 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #4668 Reply



    I’m using AxCrypt for several years, every day. All my documents are crypted. I have saved my password in LastPass and KeePass, therefore no error in the password selection. But after updating AxCrypt, the password didn’t work anymore. No possibility to open any of my documents. Could you please tell me what to do ?



    #4672 Reply


    Hello Laurent,

    There is no currently known issue with passwords not working across version 1 and version 2 of AxCrypt, so there’s something else going on here.

    Please be aware that when you are migrating from AxCrypt 1 to AxCrypt 2, and you have an old account on the web with us you have have different passwords to sign in and to your files.

    So, when migrating, it’s intially a two step process.

    1) Sign in to AxCrypt with the *same* password you use on the web. You can verify that by signing in first to . If you’ve forgotten that password, you can reset it on the site by clicking the “forgotten password”. This is will not reset the password to open files, just to access the account via the web or the app.

    2) Once you’ve signed in to the app with this password, you may be prompted again for a file password if the file was encrypted with a different password than you use for the account above. If the file was an old version 1-encrypted file, and you successfully enter the correct password, the file will open *and* be automatically converted to use the new version-2 format *and* the new account password.

    New AxCrypt 2-users never see or have this problem, nor will you after you have opened a file once. After that you just sign in to the app, and all works without having to enter the password until you sign out.

    If this does not help, please let us know where you are stuck by posting a screen shot if you can, or by sending an email to .

    #4680 Reply


    Thanks very very very much Svante.

    I didn’t know we have to create an account in the web site first, to put this password and after the old password to open my files.

    It works with your explanation.

    Thanks once more.


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