Forums Bugs & issues Password assigned to a file now a login password, ! don't have another!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #7638 Reply


    AxCrypt 2.1.1489.0

    I am not sure where or how the change occurred, but I created a file a few years ago, and even with the new release, still using the free version, I have been able to access that file. But today, after a fellow employee was told his local version was too old and updated (I updated my version previously), I was asked to give an email address (used my work email), then a password, so I used the password I used to create the file originally a few years back… Then I was asked to provide another password, so I used the same password again and was told I had already signed in with this password, use the one for the original creation of the file… Well, that is the original password, the only password.

    Has anyone else run into this? Is there a workaround or fix?

    #7640 Reply


    First things first.

    The current version of AxCrypt is 2.1.1534 and was released on the 23-08-2017. Your version (2.1.1489) was released on 15-12-2016. Try updating to that and then restarting your computer.

    It sounds like you’re doing everything right.

    When signing up to version 2 you should use a super-secure password; you’ve used the original password for version 1 which is fine.

    You should be able to open the version 1 file in version 2.

    If you’re still stuck then the workaround is to download “AxDecrypt.exe” and decrypt your file; it doesn’t require installation and works for version 1 files only. Once you’ve decrypted it you can encrypt it in version 2 and you’re fixed :-)

    Don’t forget to install the latest version of AxCrypt 2 first as that may solve your problem without the workaround!

    #7642 Reply


    Hello Don,

    AxCrypt 2 can decrypt all AxCrypt 1 files – if you know the password.

    Actually, from what you say, my conclusion is that you are in fact not using the same password that you used for the file when signing in to AxCrypt. Either you misremember, or you mistyped it this time around.

    #7644 Reply


    Nope, not true. That password is the same as when i created it, a reference to the legal decree from which our organization was created, everyone in the office uses it… the difference I see is in the process… I have never been asked for 2 passwords, only one for the file… today I was asked for an email address and password then a file password… somehow that password has been associated with something other than the file, and no longer with the file. This is different, perhaps we’re on a slightly older version.

    We have 2 password files, and I have verified with 3 users that they have never been asked for an email and password before being asked for the file password; only a file password was required (same for me on my home machine)… the same/only password that seems to be now associated with an account? The fact that that same password works for the account credentials I have never encountered before, or anyone else here,  is the proof that we did not change the password, because there is no other password…

    #7645 Reply

    #7647 Reply


    Wow, so some serious egg on my face! The gent who encountered the issue this morning tried the password he uses at home… and it worked… hmm… and he insisted I write the posts to the forum insisting he had changed nothing (just back from vacation, when would I have done that?!)… another hmm… Sorry! We’re in, all is well, except Dan is not feeling near the remorse he should be!

    #7649 Reply


    Hello Don,

    Happy it worked out for you. I should of course have included that third possibility: You mistyped, you misremembered – or someone else changed it. Sorry about that, but it was not entirely clear that the file was accessed / modified by multiple persons. I thought the other guy was just some other user of AxCrypt – not of the same file. My bad.

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