Forums Community Passware Kit Claims to Recover Axcrypt Passwords

This topic contains 8 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Yunfoi 1 day, 5 hours ago.

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  • #30175 Reply

    John Murray

    Passware Kit, which produces password recovery software, claims to be able to recover Axcrypt v2 passwords.  It’s website states:

    “Passware Kit now recovers passwords for files encrypted with AxCrypt v2, for both Free and Premium accounts.”

    What about this claim?

    #30513 Reply


    It does, however all it does is a brute force attack. The script kiddies do not have to write a program to try different passwords on it. If it’s a good password then technically you should be fine.

    Per the passware documentation the method is: Brute-force – Slow

    #30514 Reply


    In addition the method does not support the GPU so it’s way slower than the other methods.

    #33380 Reply

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    #39842 Reply


    Passware Kit claiming to recover AxCrypt passwords? That’s definitely concerning. While no encryption tool is entirely immune, it’s crucial to stay updated on such vulnerabilities and take precautions like using strong passwords and multi-layered security measures. AxCrypt users might want to review their security settings as soon as possible.

    #40773 Reply


    That sounds like a promising feature for anyone needing to recover AxCrypt v2 passwords! By the way, if you’re looking for a fun distraction, check out Chill Guy Clicker!

    #40806 Reply


    If one forgets his/her password and is unable to decrypt a file, one can use AxCrypt’s brute force tool for help in password recovery. This tool requires user to answer and guess previous passwords or similar texts. AxCrypt does not contain any backdoors. With a reasonably good password, it’s not practical to try all possibilities because it just takes too long time. Link to AxCrypt’s brute force tool : AxBruteForce-

    Talking about passware kit or any other tool which follows the same brute force technique to figure out passwords as AxCrypt’s. Hence it is recommended to use your strongest password for encryption by using AxCrypt’s Password Generator. Save your passwords securely in AxCrypt’s Password manager. Hence, make it impossible for any attacker to gain unauthorized access to your personal and business data.

    Happy AxCrypting!

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