Hello Sean,
Please change or reset the AxCrypt account password to sign-in in your account(your wishes).you will not lose your encrypted files.
You can open all the encrypted files if you know the file password which was used in the encryption process.
The encrypted files before the password reset, holding an old password. So you have to enter the file password to decrypt/open the old AxCrypt encrypted files(which are all encrypted before the password reset).
After the password reset, the newly encrypted files holding the new password. So you can open/decrypt the newly encrypted files without entering your file password.
If the file was encrypted with a different password than your sign in password, then you have to enter the file password while viewing/decrypting the encrypted file.
If your using the local password cannot use the password to open/decrypt the encrypted file(s) in any other system.
Reg: local hard disk failure –AxCrypt encrypted file is for the good condition(AxCrypt file structure). you can open/decrypt the encrypted files.
Recovered AxCrypt encrypted file is damaged or corrupted file(s) you cannot decrypt/view the encrypted file(s).
still, you are facing any issue, please provide more information about the issue and write a mail to support@axcrypt.net .