Forums Bugs & issues Old icon stays on desktop

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #5757 Reply


    Just uploaded new Axcrypt version. I encrypted an Excel file, and that worked and encrypted icon appeared. But old icon stayed – and is now an empty (I hope!) orphan. I cannot get rid of the old icon.

    #5758 Reply


    Hello Richard,

    Please take a screen shot of the situation.

    How to take a screen shot is explained here: .

    #5761 Reply


    Even easier: press and hold the Windows key first, then click PrtSc.

    The resulting screenshot will be stored in ‘This PC\Pictures\Screenshot\Screenshot (#).png’

    #5778 Reply


    Hi Andrew,

    I was able to get rid of the ghost icon only by restarting. I have used axcrypt successfully since, with existing encrypted files, but was able to recreate the problem by generating a test excel file, and encrypting it. The result is an encrypted file icon, as expected, and a normal-looking icon of the original excel file – but that icon cannot be opened (or deleted). I have screenshots of this, and will try to send them to you, but am not sure how – my first try (trying to copy them into a message like this) did not work. And lost the message. So I will send this, and then try again with the screenshots.


    #5779 Reply


    #5780 Reply


    Hi again,

    The ghost icon did ultimately go away, while I was sending you messages (time of 10’s of minutes). So I decrypted the “test” excel file – and now I have a valid excel file icon, AND a ghost AxCrypt icon. When I try to open that one axcrypt tells me that the file I just double-clicked on  does not exist. But it is still there – I just checked again.

    I have a lot of very important (to me) AxCrypt files. Are they at risk with this new version? Should I try to go back to the older version?


    #5781 Reply


    Try pressing F5 to refresh your desktop. This behaviour sounds familiar: Windows 10 doesn’t refresh as frequently as Windows 7 did. Your files are not at risk.

    #5782 Reply


    Hi Simon,

    You are right – F5 does it. Windows 10 must refresh very rarely. I never saw this before, and I have used AxCrypt for a long time, so I bet it would be worth looking in to some more. But I am reassured!  Thanks!



    #5786 Reply


    Thanks Simon!

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