Forums Help & support not sending encrypted files

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #13362 Reply

    Tod Tolan

    we are testing the advanced version of AxCrypt.  some encrypted files are sent and some never get to the recipient.

    Why is that?  How can I ensure that an encrypted AxCrypt file will actually get to my collaborator ?

    #13363 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Tod,

    AxCrypt application will not send any files to the users. We have to send the file via email, drive and etc. If the receiver wants to decrypt/open the shared encrypted file(s), then AxCrypt app is required.

    I will explain about the AxCrypt key sharing feature,

    There is no need to share passwords in order to send or share files securely with others. AxCrypt has a key sharing feature letting you add recipients by email address, who when they receive the file can open it with their own AxCrypt password.

    Key sharing embeds the shared key into the file. The file must thus first be key shared with the recipient, then sent or file shared. Please note that AxCrypt does not share or send the actual file. To see a quick instructional video explaining how to use key sharing, please view .

    Please Note: AxCrypt is not a file sharing software. So it will not send the original file to the receiver while key sharing.

    Sharing a secured file is made directly from the AxCrypt software by choosing the secured file, click the share button and simply select the team member you want to share it to.

    The recipient just needs a free AxCrypt ID and will be automatically invited via email if necessary. The invitation email contains instructions on how to view and edit the file.

    If the key sharing recipient’s email address is not having an AxCrypt account then only AxCrypt will send an invitation mail. If the receiver has an AxCrypt account then he/she will not receive the invitation mail.


    #16604 Reply


    I just lost my files using this. encrypted files do not leave copy of the original file when deleted .It is very unfair for me to suffer this loss on a trial version. please help me recover my files in the 3 hours. i need them. after this no need to bother. i am extremely dissapointed. you didnt indicate that  the original copy is lost in encryption

    #16606 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello George,

    Sorry to say, Please explain detailed information about the issue also, write an email to our support team

    Do you uninstall or delete the AxCrypt app in your system? if yes, AxCrypt encrypted files are still encrypted with .axx extension only, after deleting/uninstall the AxCrypt app from the system.

    Please install the AxCrypt app, sign in your AxCrypt account credentials then decrypt the all encrypted file(s)in your system. After that, uninstall(if need) the AxCrypt app. Now restart your system, AxCrypt app completely remove from your system.

    Please note: AxCrypt account and AxCrypt app are required to open/decrypt the AxCrypt encrypted files. without the AxCrypt app we cannot decrypt the encrypted files.

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