Forums Bugs & issues Not an xcrypt file – won't open error

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Svante 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7519 Reply


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>A few days ago I installed your program and encrypted a text file. Today it would not open saying that it is not an xcrypt file. It wanted me to updated, so I did. It is still not opening and stating that it is not a xcrypt file. It is an xcrypt file. Please help.</p>
    Thank You

    #7520 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    Unfortunately, version 2.1.1526 released on Thursday, August 3, contains a defect that under certain circumstances can cause damage to the encrypted file.

    We discovered this on Sunday, August 6 whereupon we immediately withdrew this version, temporarily reverting to the previous version. Later that day, we released 2.1.1529 as a critical update. We also flagged the version 2.1.1526 as unreliable and all users who have an Internet connection will be notified at the next update check of this situation and prompted to updated.

    Since then we have released 2.1.1532 as well.

    We are very sorry for this defect which passed our release testing as well.

    #7521 Reply


    Wow – screwed me over big time. Terrible product but nice customer service…

    #7522 Reply


    Hello Greg,

    I am indeed truly sorry for the trouble this has caused you.

    More details about this issue are found here and here .


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