Forums Help & support No puedo abrir archivos encriptados, HELP¡¡¡¡

This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Prabhukumar R 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #27101 Reply


    Hola, tengo arhivos donde la extension cambio a ejemplo1-pptx.axx trato de desbloquearlos y me dice que esa contraseña ya la use para inciar sesion, que debo utilizar otra contraseña, pero no tengo mas contraseñas

    #27103 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello Duvan,

    AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.

    If the file was encrypted with a different password than your sign in password, then you have to enter the file password while viewing/decrypting the encrypted file.

    While viewing the encrypted file (having different password than your sign in password), you have to enter the file password. If you enter the AxCrypt account password instead of file password. So you need to enter the file password.

    For example:

    Try to encrypt a file with your AxCrypt password and then reset your AxCrypt account password using Reset Password Feature. Now if you open the encrypted file, you will be prompted for enter the file password (which is used for encryption of the file).

    The above situation was happened for you. So please try to remember your file password(which is used for encryption) then try to decrypt the encrypted file.

    So kindly try to remember your file password(which is used for encryption) then try to decrypt the encrypted file.

    still, if you are asking any Queries, please write to we are happy to help you.

    #27433 Reply


    I use a Mac and I also run Windows on it as a virtual machine. Can I use the same subscription for Mac and Windows?

    #27452 Reply

    Prabhukumar R

    Hello GilbertoC,

    You can achieve the same. You can install and login(with the same Subscription account) to the AxCrypt app with the n number of devices. But If you are the only person is going to use, then you can use it. Otherwise you need to share your account password to all users who are all using the same account. Sometimes this leads to security breach.

    If you are asking any Queries, please write to we are happy to help you.

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