Forums › Help & support › No puedo abrir archivos encriptados, HELP¡¡¡¡
This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Prabhukumar R 2 years, 6 months ago.
AlejandroHace tiepo encripte bastantes fotos importantes para mi, ahora he ido a recuperarlas y no puedo, no se que ha pasado, he usado todas las claves que suelo usar y nada, como puedo recuperar mis fotogrfias y archivos, son muy importantes …….
JoseSi ha olvidado su contraseña, entonces no se puede hacer nada. Si estuviera ingresando la contraseña correcta, AxCrypt descifraría sus archivos.
El cifrado hace que sus archivos sean inaccesibles para cualquiera que no tenga la contraseña correcta. No hay forma de recuperar sus archivos, pero es posible que desee mantener los archivos seguros en algún lugar en caso de que alguna vez recuerde su contraseña.
Alberto LopezBuenos días ,tengo varias fotos cifradas con el programa y cuando decido abrirlas me sale un mensaje “fallo en el descifrado y la ejecución acceso denegado” la contraseña me la se, pero no me da opción a introducirla ya que sale el mensaje que les he dicho, les agradecería me diesen una solución.
Hello Alberto,
The path(which the file is there) does not has necessary(write) access for the user. That’s the reason you are getting the exception.
I think, you are using the older version of AxCrypt app. I suggest you to use AxCrypt 2.x for more features and great usage.
Unfortunately, if you do not know the password for an AxCrypt-encrypted file you cannot open it, even if you can sign in to the account. This is by design, it’s just this situation that AxCrypt is made for and it works like this even if you actually are the original owner of the file.
If you think you almost know the password, we have simple software allowing you to try to find your password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at . Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.
If you do not remember the password to your account, you can always reset it. This is not a way to recover encrypted files! It’s only to allow you to sign in to the AxCrypt app and web.
williamolvide la contraseña de mis archivos
Hello william,
AxCrypt will allow the users to decrypt the encrypted file with the original password which is used for encryption.
If you think you almost know the password, we have simple software allowing you to try to find your password, and you can download the most recent version from and read of how to use it at Please note that we cannot provide support beyond this.
Unfortunately, if you do not know the password for an AxCrypt-encrypted file you cannot open it, even if you can sign in to the account. This is by design, it’s just this situation that AxCrypt is made for and it works like this even if you actually are
So please try to remember the file password(which was used in the encryption process) to decrypt/open the old encrypted files.
If you do not remember the password to your account, you can always reset it. This is not a way to recover encrypted files! It’s only to allow you to sign in to the AxCrypt app and web. The new password will be used to encrypt new files. Go to to do this, or you can also go there from AxCrypt with File | Options | Password Reset.
For more info about Password Reset: and
Still, you are facing any issue, please provide detailed information about the issue and write a mail to We are happy to help you.
oscarHace unos años guardé fotos que quiero ver y la contraseña la tengo guardada, pero el sistema no me permite abrir, desconoce mi contraseña, que debo hacer?
Hello oscar,
We are already explained in the link. Please read the link: .
Please try to do the same.
No puedo abrir un archivo encriptado.
Me pone “no es un archivo axcrypt” a pesar que la extensión es la correcta, es decir .axx
Tiene solución ?
Muchas gracias
Hello victor,
The error message indicates that the file simply is not an AxCrypt file – it checks the first 16 bytes for a unique value.
Most often, this error occurs because the file is not produced by AxCrypt, but rather a different kind of file accidentally renamed to end with .axx. Another scenario is that it is a left-over after a previous decryption was interrupted at the stage where the original is overwritten.
Another scenario is that it is a left-over after a previous decryption was interrupted at the stage where the original is overwritten. The most common reason for this happening is that the file was damaged because of early removal of a USB drive, or a disconnected network drive.
If the file is actually damaged to this extent, no, it can’t be fixed. The data is just not there to decrypt it.
But we have a feature called Try Broken File. You can able to decrypt the corrupted AxCrypt encrypted files by navigating the menu File | Options | enable Debug from the AxCrypt app.
Now you can able to see the Debug the menu in the AxCrypt app. From the debug menu you have to select Try Broken File.
Now you will be prompted for file selection. Select the corrupted encrypted file and then AxCrypt will try to decrypt the file. If successfully decrypted, then you are able to see the decrypted file in the location. Otherwise sorry to say, AxCrypt can’t decrypt that file.
Still, if you are facing any issues, please write to we are happy to help you.
Ramón OspinaTenia información encryptada y sufrio daño el disco externo. Al recuperar la información no se abren los archivos. Cómo puedo recuperarlos? Gracias
Hello Ramón Ospina,
I am sorry to say, If the encrypted file is corrupted/Demaged then AxCrypt will not able to decrypt the same.
But we have a feature called Check File. You can able to decrypt the corrupted AxCrypt encrypted files by navigating the menu File | Options | enable Debug from the AxCrypt app.
Also we can generate a summary of file structure, to see whether the file was encrypted with AxCrypt or not.
For the summary, you have to use the debug menu and then select the Check File menu option(Debug | Check File). Now you will be prompted to choose the files. Choose the AxCrypt encrypted file. Then AxCrypt will generate a summary of file structure.
Still, you are facing any query, please provide detailed information about the issue and write a mail to We are happy to help you.
AnonymousBonjour, est ce que je peux partager mon application avec d’autres collegues ou bien l’installer sur plusieurs machines? si quel ID chacun doit utiliser?
Hello Anonymous,
Please explain more details about what purpose you have used? Do you need to use AxCrypt for individual use or business use purposes?
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact our support via
Hugo MendezBuen día. Hace tiempo encripté algunos archivos con AxDecrypt 1.6.3
Ahora los archivos enriptados aparecen con extensión como archivo.jpg.cfe en vez de .axx y AxDecrypt me da un mensaje que dice: que no es un archivo válido. Qué puedo hacer?Gracias